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Webinar—Data Curation (SPEC Kit 354)

SPEC Kit 354, Data Curation, explores the infrastructure that ARL member institutions are using for data curation, which data curation services are offered, who may use them, which disciplines demand services most, library staffing levels, policies and workflows, and the challenges of supporting these activities.

The Data Curation webinar reviewed survey findings reported by ARL member libraries in January 2017. Presenters were Lisa R. Johnston, University of Minnesota; Jake Carlson, University of Michigan; Cynthia Hudson-Vitale, Washington University in St. Louis; Heidi Imker, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Wendy Kozlowski; Cornell University; Rob Olendorf, Penn State University; and Claire Stewart, University of MInnesota.

Webinar slides: data-curation-webinar-slides-and-script.pdf3.58 MB

This webinar aired June 14, 2017 (45 minutes).


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