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Library Impact Practice Brief: The Future Is Now: How We’re Working at Charles

This practice brief describes research conducted by staff at Temple University Libraries as part of the libraries’ participation in ARL’s Research Library Impact Framework initiative to address the question of “how library spaces facilitate innovative research, creative thinking, and problem-solving.” This research focused on how changes in library space impact the work of staff as individuals, when working with colleagues, and in their work with users. The researchers asked how staff are supported as they make changes in space and how users are supported in that space. Temple had a unique opportunity to explore these questions when they opened the new Charles Library in August 2019; the researchers interviewed staff before and after the move.

Library Impact Practice Brief: The Future Is Now: How We’re Working at Charles

To cite

Turner, Nancy, Olivia Given Castello, Rachel Cox, Jessica Martin, Urooj Nizami, Jenny Pierce, Stephanie Roth, Caitlin Shanley, Jackie Sipes, Karen Kohn, and Rebecca Lloyd. Library Impact Practice Brief: The Future Is Now: How We’re Working at Charles. Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries, December 14, 2020. https://doi.org/10.29242/brief.temple2020.

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