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Library Impact Practice Brief: Library Outreach Assessment

As part of ARL’s Research Library Impact Framework initiative, the University of Washington (UW) Odegaard Library’s Undergraduate Student Success Team designed an assessment framework for outreach to undergraduates. This practice brief describes the UW team’s outreach and assessment planning processes, the qualitative and quantitative assessment methods employed, the results of their assessment program, the lessons learned, and the best practices that emerged over several years and several iterations of conducting library outreach assessment. The brief presents both long-term reflections and most recent applications between 2016–2021.

Library Impact Practice Brief: Library Outreach Assessment

To cite

Hornby, Amanda, and Emilie Vrbancic. Library Impact Practice Brief: Library Outreach Assessment. Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries, September 17, 2021. https://doi.org/10.29242/brief.uwashington2021.

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