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Penn State University Libraries Dean Barbara Dewey’s Message to Staff, November 2016

Barbara Dewey, dean of University Libraries and Scholarly Communications at Penn State University, sent the e-mail message below to all library staff on November 13, 2016. 

From: Barbara I. Dewey
To: Penn State University Libraries staff
Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2016 7:40:53 PM
Subject: A message of confirmation

My dear friends and colleagues, it’s time to sharpen our focus on diversity and inclusion, support, kindness, and empathy, and everything that we know is great about our library environment for ourselves, our students, our faculty, our staff, and all of our library constituencies. Libraries have never been more important. Thanks for redoubling your efforts to ensure a fantastic and supportive learning environment for all. Best, Barbara Dewey

Barbara I. Dewey
Dean, University Libraries and Scholarly Communications
510 Paterno Library
University Park, PA 16802-1812
Phone: (814) 865-0401
Fax: (814) 865-3665

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