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Canadian Authors Collective—Access Copyright—Dealt Major Blow; Future Uncertain

image CC-BY by Gabriel de Urioste

Bobby Glushko, head of the Scholarly Communications and Copyright Office at the University of Toronto Libraries, recently wrote an ARL Policy Notes blog post about a Copyright Board of Canada decision that will likely have long-term implications for libraries:

On May 22, 2015, the Copyright Board of Canada certified a surprisingly low tariff for copying undertaken by the full-time professional staff of provincial governments, such as legislators, aides, and other provincial employees. The tariff, 11.56¢ per employee, per year, for the 2005–2009 period and 49.71¢ per employee, per year, for the 2010–2014 period, is vastly lower than the $15 tariff initially proposed by Access Copyright. In its decision, the Copyright Board supported several interesting copyright theories which may have long-term significance for libraries in Canada…

Read the full post about the Copyright Board of Canada decision on the ARL Policy Notes blog.

