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ARL Membership Convenes in Berkeley for Spring 2015 Meeting—Slides Online

Golden Gate Bridge in fog at sunrise
image CC-BY-NC-ND by David Yu

ARL president Deborah Jakubs (Duke University) convened the 166th ARL Membership Meeting in Berkeley, California, on the afternoon of April 28, 2015. The theme of this Membership Meeting was “Global Connections of Research Libraries,” and program sessions explored international copyright issues, shared print repositories, and tools and services for open science. Member representatives, ARL Leadership Fellows, and ARL staff discussed the transition to ARL’s new strategic Framework and System of Action. This meeting also marked the completion of the 2013–2015 ARL Leadership Fellows program with recognition of the fellows for their achievements. Fellow Barbara Rockenbach (Columbia University) summed up the fellowship experience nicely, saying it is about “community, connections, and the cohort itself.” The meeting adjourned midday on April 30.

All available presentation slides are linked from the speakers’ names or session titles in the summary of the program sessions.

