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Implementing Effective Data Practices: Panel Descriptions

Panel 1: Current State of PIDs, Machine Readable DMPs, and Data Credit Efforts and Best Practices

Support for open access to research and research data has gained momentum from funders such as the NSF. At the same time, many publishers now require data associated with a publication to be openly accessible and meet FAIR principles. Driven by these developments, technical work on the infrastructure needed to achieve these  goals is progressing rapidly on many fronts. Advances in core PID services, efforts towards better interoperability between different systems, and work on machine actionable DMPs, are all working to facilitate better access and reuse of research data to leverage strategic opportunities for technical integrations supporting the exchange of research information and data. Additionally, the Make Data Count project is developing metrics to track and report on the use and impact of research data to ensure data publication is handled as a first class research output. This panel will provide updates on these specific projects as well as related collaborative community initiatives supporting the larger open access ecosystem for research data.


  • What gaps do these tools, features, services fill in supporting sharing and management of research data? What strategic opportunities emerge from better integration between research data systems?
  • How has the community been involved in the development of these projects? What lessons have been learned from a community-driven collaborative model of functional requirements development for interoperability, feature design, or measurement?
  • What are the next phases of these projects and how does future work map to the larger goal of establishing research data as a critical scholarly output?


  • Provide a general overview of current technical work in the research data space by outlining how specific projects advance the community’s larger goals and objectives.
  • Set the stage for ongoing discussions during the workshop to report on the current and upcoming work on the technical developments of PIDs and DMPs and how attendee and others can contribute to upcoming phases of these projects.
  • To open the floor for ideas and feedback regarding new areas of software development, including technical specifications, design choices, use cases, user stories, and contributing to feedback and testing.


  • John Chodacki, Director of the University of California Curation Center (UC3) & Co-Chair FORCE11, Co-Chair Research Data Alliance Active Data Management Plans Interest Group
  • Natalie Meyers, E-Research Librarian, Navari Family Center for Digital Scholarship, University of Notre Dame  & Co-Chair Research Data Alliance Exposing Data Management Plans Working Group 
  • Heather Pierce, Senior Director of Science Policy and Regulatory Counsel at the Association of American Medical Colleges
  • Maria Praetzellis, Product Manager for UC3/California Digital Library Research Data Management Initiatives—including DMPTool, Support Your Data, and the NSF-funded machine-actionable DMP grant project
  • Maryann Martone, Professor Emeritus, Neuroscience, University of California, San Diego, & FORCE11 Advisory Board Member

Panel 2: Incentives and Policy

Incentives and policies are critical to realize the broad adoption of persistent identifiers (PID’s) and machine-readable data management plans (DMP’s). The question of how to make these practices a normative scholarly behavior will require innovation and modifications across the research ecosystem and among research stakeholders.

You all just spent a concentrated amount of time discussing and coming to a consensus about what success looks like across stakeholders. We will now hear from a variety of representatives from various institutional offices, funding agencies, and scholarly societies who will share their perspectives on the value proposition for machine-readable DMP’s and PID’s and some of the incentives necessary to make them a reality.


  • Conference attendees will have a better understanding of the value proposition of machine-readable DMP’s and persistent identifiers for a variety of research stakeholders.
  • Conference attendees will be exposed to a few key incentives and policies needed for facilitating the broad adoption of PID’s and machine-readable DMP’s.


  • Greg Madden, Associate CIO for Research, Pennsylvania State University
  • Anurupa Dev, Lead Science Policy Analyst, Association of American Medical Colleges
  • Jason Gerson, Senior Program Officer for the Clinical Effectiveness and Decision Science, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute
  • Jennifer Muilenburg, Research Data Services Librarian at the University of Washington and Visiting Program Officer for the Association of Research Libraries
  • Carl Kesselman, Professor Epstein Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Southern California

Panel 3: Government and Funding Agency Perspectives

Many efforts are underway across the research enterprise to accelerate public access to research data. Funder policies have, in many cases, been a catalyst to incentivizing the sharing of data and encouraging researchers to make data FAIR. Funders representing federal agencies and the Gates Foundation will discuss progress in the community and at federal agencies in making research data available and usable. The panelists will give a brief update on federal agency activities related to open data, specifically the importance and benefits of machine-readable data management plans and persistent identifiers. Following brief presentations from the panelists, the audience will have an opportunity to ask questions of the funders and engage in discussion.


  1. Identify and discuss current funder practices related to the use of persistent identifiers and machine-readable DMPs
  2. Discuss challenges that remain in expanding the use of PIDs and machine-readable DMPs
  3. Provide a mechanism for funders and research data stakeholders to talk with each other about the opportunities and challenges and surface solutions where possible 


  • Moderator: Katie Steen, Federal Relations Officer, Association of American Universities
  • Beth Plale, Science Advisor for Public Access, National Science Foundation
  • Dina Paltoo, Assistant Director for Policy Development, National Library of Medicine
  • Carly Robinson, OSTI Assistant Director, Office of Information Products and Services, US Department of Energy
  • Benjamin Pierson, Senior Program Officer, Global Health, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Panel 4: Integration with Broader Public Access Data Initiatives

Association representatives will share their thoughts about ARL, AAU, and APLU’s role in advancing PIDs, DMPs, and other promising practices for enabling public access to research data. They will also give an update of current work in this space.

