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Express Interest in Joining Research Libraries Position Description Bank (RL PD Bank) User Advisory Group—Deadline Tuesday, March 28

The Research Libraries Position Description Bank (RL PD Bank) User Advisory Group ensures that the PD Bank supports the needs of library administrators and that the collection supports queries into the ways the work of libraries is defined, organized, and evolving. Membership includes representatives and senior leaders of institutions from the collective membership of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL), the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL), and Research Libraries UK (RLUK). Selection of up to two representatives of each association is currently open. ARL will be represented by two institutions who are not CARL or ASERL members per agreement with our partners.

The RL PD Bank User Advisory Group advises the PD Bank Management Team and Steering Committee and recommends activities in support of ongoing sustainability and growth, including reviewing policies, functionality and usability, the digital preservation plan, and user training and education. The User Advisory Group also leads in engaging with the current and potential community to encourage widespread usage.

We are looking especially for library human resources professionals. RL PD Bank User Advisory Group members are appointed by the participating associations and serve for three-year terms, which may renew, with staggered terms. One group member from the University of Florida will represent the Management Team. The group meets at least quarterly. See the RL PD Bank website for more details about the User Advisory Group.

To express interest in joining the RL PD Bank User Advisory Group, please submit this form, which will collect the following information:

  • Email address
  • Name
  • Institution
  • Title
  • Interest (In 1,000 characters or less, describe your interest in this opportunity.)

Expressions of interest are due by Tuesday, March 28, 2023. Please direct questions to learn@arl.org.
