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Day in Review (September 8–11, 2020)

Last Updated on September 11, 2020, 4:39 pm ET

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Jump to: Wednesday, September 9 | Thursday, September 10 | Friday, September 11

Tuesday, September 8

Top o’ the Review

New OECD Reports: “Education at a Glance 2020” and “Impact of COVID-19 on Education”
(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)

Models for Engaging Liaisons in Research Data Services
(Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication)


ARL Member Libraries

Archiving for the Future: AILLA Launches Free Online Course
(University of Texas Libraries)

Building Anew: Racial Equity Fund Committee Has a Demanding Task
(University of Minnesota Libraries)

NEH Grant Will Support DataLab’s Completion of 17th-Century “Street Poetry” Digitization Project
(UC Davis Library)

University of Alberta Library Staff Knitting the Curve of COVID-19 Cases across Canada (includes video)
(Global News)



Assessing Journal Quality and Legitimacy: Experience, Views of Researchers, Intermediaries with Reference to Health Sector, Predatory Publishing
(CIBER Research and Cabells International)

IOP Publishing Commits to Adopting Double-Blind Peer Review for All Journals
(IOP Publishing)

The State of Publishing in Canada 2019
(BookNet Canada)

Wellcome, Ripeta Partner to Assess Data Set Availability in Funded Research
(Digital Science)


Higher Ed—Members

Study Highlights Ties between Racism, Activism in Black Youth
(NC State University)


Higher Ed—Other

Bichronous Online Learning: Blending Asynchronous, Synchronous Online Learning


Advocacy & Public Policy

Achieving an Equitable Transition to Open Access for Researchers in Lower and Middle-Income Countries
(STM Association and ICSR/Elsevier)

Authors Alliance Petitions for New Exemption to Section 1201 of DMCA to Enable Text-, Data-Mining Research
(Authors Alliance)


In Other News

COVID-19 Is Crushing Newspapers, Worsening Hunger for Accurate Information
(Stateline, Pew Charitable Trusts)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst


Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Wednesday, September 9

Top o’ the Review

Minority College Students Underrepresented in Paid Internships
(National Association of Colleges and Employers)

Statement on President Trump’s Attack on Critical Race Theory
(American Association of University Professors)


ARL Member Libraries

Digital Exhibition: Radical! A Retrospective of Twentieth-Century Dissent
(The University of Utah J. Willard Marriott Library Blog)

Notre Dame Students Enjoy Versatility of New Library Lawn
(The Observer)

Supporting Research: A COVID-19 Citation Database
(Smithsonian Libraries Unbound Blog)

UMD Libraries Faculty to Lead 1856 Project
(University of Maryland Libraries)



An Evaluation of the Content Syndication Partnership between Springer Nature and ResearchGate
(Springer Nature and ResearchGate)

Global Library Discovery and Fulfillment: How We’re the Same, and How We Differ
(OCLC Next Blog)

Israel Science Foundation Launches a Dedicated Open-Access Publishing Gateway
(F1000 Research Blog)

New Preservation Service Makes Data More Secure, Future-Proofs UK University Digital Collections


Higher Ed—Members

UW–Madison Diversity Inventory Launches New Website
(University of Wisconsin–Madison)


Advocacy & Public Policy

Optimizing Operation, Use of National Research Infrastructures
(OECD and Science Europe)

US Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos Announces Final Rule on Free Inquiry, Religious Liberty
(US Department of Education)


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Joint Letter to Texas House Higher Education Committee Calls for Additional Action to Diversify Teacher Workforce
(The Education Trust)


Scholars & Scholarship

Where Do Scholars Move? Measuring the Mobility of Researchers across Academic Institutions
(Leiden Madtrics)



Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst


Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Thursday, September 10

Top o’ the Review

Critical to Scientific Discovery and Innovation, Biological Collections Need Strategy, Action Center, and Increased Investment
(US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine)

College Students’ Use and Acceptance of Emergency Online Learning Due to COVID-19
(International Journal of Educational Research Open)

How Reliable and Useful is Cabell’s Blacklist? A Data-Driven Analysis
(LIBER Quarterly)

Reflections on Collective Collections
(College & Research Libraries)


ARL Member Libraries

Knowledge Infrastructure and the Role of the University
(MIT Press Director in Commonplace)

UK Libraries Expands Digital Opportunities for Teaching and Learning with CreateUK
(University of Kentucky)

Unique Partnership behind Hill Library Renovation
(NC State University Libraries)

Upcoming Webinar: Multiple Ways of Knowing: Global Perspectives on Academic Libraries Re-imagining Systems of Knowledge
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University Library)



Diversifying Readership through Open Access: A Usage Analysis for OA Books
(Springer Nature)

DPLA Launches Black Women’s Suffrage Digital Collection
(Digital Public Library of America)

Hope International University’s Journals Get New Digital Life
(Internet Archive Blog)

New Policy Will Allow Authors an Easy Route to Change Names on Previous Publications
(American Chemical Society)


Higher Ed—Members

OpenStax to Vastly Expand Open Education Library with Support from National Foundations
(Rice University)


Higher Ed—Other

Supporting Language and Literature Scholarship in the COVID-19 Era
(Ithaka S+R Blog)

Advocacy & Public Policy

FTC Releases Agenda for “Data To Go” Virtual Workshop
(US Federal Trade Commission)



Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst


Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Friday, September 11

Top o’ the Review

IAU and ESN’s Joint Paper on COVID-19 Impact on Higher Education: Institutional and Students’ Perspectives
(International Association of Universities and Erasmus Student Network)

Publishers Are Taking the Internet to Court
(The Nation)

A Qualitative Content Analysis of Watchlists vs Safelists: How Do They Address the Issue of Predatory Publishing?
(The Journal of Academic Librarianship)

Viral Science: Masks, Speed Bumps, and Guard Rails


ARL Member Libraries

A 21st-Century Approach to Health Services Research: NLM Moves Forward with You in Mind
(National Library of Medicine)

Adaptability and Resilience: A Letter from the University Librarian
(UC Riverside Library)

Tulane University Launches LabArchives for Researchers
(Tulane University)

UGA Libraries Celebrates 25 Years of Brown Media Archive with Virtual Event Series
(University of Georgia Libraries)



BioOne Releases 2019 Annual Report

Now Available: SeamlessAccess.org September 2020 Newsletter

When Is a Persistent Identifier Not Persistent? Or an Identifier?
(Digital Scholarship Blog, British Library)


Higher Ed—Members

University of Maryland Launches New Social Data Science Center with Support from Facebook
(University of Maryland)


Higher Ed—Other

Shaping the Digital Future of FE and Skills


Advocacy & Public Policy

Unemployment among Young Workers during COVID-19
(Brookings Institution)


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Report Finds Popular Films Show Paltry Progress toward Inclusion
(USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst

