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Day in Review (October 10–12)

Last Updated on October 12, 2023, 3:43 pm ET

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Note: Day in Review will be on hiatus for the week of Monday, October 16, returning Monday, October 23.

Jump to: Wednesday, October 11 | Thursday, October 12

Tuesday, October 10

Top o’ the Review

How Do You Use the NDSA Levels of Digital Preservation?
(NDSA: National Digital Stewardship Alliance, DLF: Digital Library Federation)

IFLA ARL Section’s “Inclusiveness through Openness” Conference Proceedings Now Available
(IFLA: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, ARL: Academic and Research Libraries Section)

New Book: Scholarly Communication Librarianship and Open Knowledge
(ACRL: Association of College and Research Libraries)

Nonprofit Publisher Annual Reviews Acquires Charleston Hub, Home of Charleston Conference and Against the Grain Journal
(Charleston Hub)

RLUK24 Conference Call for Papers
(RLUK: Research Libraries UK)

Two Pandemics: Racial Disparities in Basic Needs Insecurity among College Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic
(The Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice, Temple University)


ARL Member Libraries

Libraries’ LibWell Initiative Supports Students’ Well-Being
(Penn State University Libraries)

Library Collections Enhancement Initiative Builds Partnerships between Faculty and Librarians to Secure Resources Needed for Innovative and Emerging Research
(University of Wisconsin–Madison)

Library of Congress Appoints Stephanie Stillo Chief of Rare Book and Special Collections
(Library of Congress)

Ready Player Fun: Students Navigate Retro Gaming Gauntlet at UC Berkeley Library
(UC Berkeley Library)

University Library Names 15-Millionth Volume
(University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign University Library)

Upcoming Hybrid Event: 2023 Lilly Library Ngũgĩ Lecture (Thursday, October 26)
(Indiana University Bloomington Libraries)


Higher Ed

Understanding the Impact of Work-Based Learning
(Ithaka S+R)


Advocacy & Public Policy

Associations Urge Administration to Prioritize Mental Health Care for College Students
(ACE: American Council on Education)

Canadian Privacy Regulators Pass Resolutions on the Privacy of Young People and Workplace Privacy
(Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada)


Scholars & Scholarship

Faculty Publishing Practices: Insights and Benefits for Liaison Librarianship
(ISTL: Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship)

Final Report Published—Looking Back at COPIM…and on to New Adventures, with Open Book Futures
(COPIM: Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs)

Preprints Are Now Searchable on Scopus

Registered Reports: What We’ve Learned So Far
(Nature Methods)

The Rise of Open Science: Tracking the Evolution and Perceived Value of Data and Methods Link-Sharing Practices (preprint)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst

Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Wednesday, October 11

Top o’ the Review

Census Bureau Releases New Data Showing the Highest School Enrollment Count in Years
(US Census Bureau)

EBSCO Journal and e-Package Services 2024 Serials Price Projection Report
(EBSCO Information Services)

IFLA ARL Call for Papers: “IFLA Journal” Special Issue on Research Trends
(IFLA: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, ARL: Academic and Research Libraries Section)

2024 EDUCAUSE Top 10 Sneak Peek
See also: Introducing the New EDUCAUSE Strategic Plan

Upcoming Training Webinar: “The DDI Standards and Technology: Adapting to Change” (Tuesday, October 17)
(CODATA: Committee on Data, International Science Council)

Webinar Video: RLUK Inclusive Collections, Inclusive Libraries: Reimagine Descriptive Workflows Project
(RLUK: Research Libraries UK via YouTube)


ARL Member Libraries

Introducing the Libraries Faculty Advisory Committee
(Northwestern University Libraries)

Music & Dance Library Fosters Musician’s Journey to Produce Forgotten Masterpiece 
(The Ohio State University Libraries)

Open Access by the Numbers
(Iowa State University Library)

UMD Libraries Expands LGBTQIA+ Literature Collection
(University of Maryland Libraries)



Astrida Orle Tantillo, of University of Illinois Chicago, Named President and Librarian of the Newberry Library
(The Newberry)

Cameras in the Reading Room and the Arc of Change in Archival Practice
(Hanging Together: The OCLC Research Blog)

2023: ALISE Proceedings
(ALISE: Association for Library and Information Science Education)


Higher Ed

Fewer High School Seniors Ready for College as ACT Scores Continue to Decline

Unequal Distribution
(NACAC: National Association for College Admission Counseling)


Advocacy & Public Policy

Artificial Intelligence Prompts Renewed Consideration of a Federal Right of Publicity
(CRS: Congressional Research Service)

Democrats Ask Biden to Put AI Safeguards into Executive Order
(The Hill)

“Too Dangerous”: Why Even Google Was Afraid to Release This Technology


Scholars & Scholarship

Do Male and Female Authors Employ Different Journal-Choice Strategies?

Where Is the Strongest Research Focus on the Environment?


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst

Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Thursday, October 12

Top o’ the Review

ARL Calls for Born-Accessible Publishing in Comments to US Department of Justice
(ARL: Association of Research Libraries)

De Gruyter Is Acquiring Brill in All-Cash €51.5 Million (US$54.6 Million) Deal
(Brill and De Gruyter via infoDOCKET)

LIBER, UNESCO and LA Referencia Webinar Report—Open-Science Monitoring in Europe
(LIBER: Association of European Research Libraries)

Museums, Libraries, and Archives in the Face of Climate Change Challenges
(EPRS: European Parliamentary Research Service)

Project ReShare Selects Boston Library Consortium as Its Fiscal Sponsor
(Project ReShare)

Working for Global Equity through Digital Object Identifiers
(Upstream, FORCE11)


ARL Member Libraries

CU Boulder Faculty and University Libraries Call for Equitable Access to Information
(University of Colorado Boulder University Libraries)

NYPL and ALA Invite Library Systems and Teens to Join New “Books for All” Anti-Censorship Campaign
(NYPL: New York Public Library and ALA: American Library Association)

Scanning the Past: Library to Digitize Fashion Sketchbooks of Acclaimed Designer Pauline Trigère
(Kent State University)

The Libraries Makerspace Crowdfunding Campaign More Than Triples Its Goal
(NC State University Libraries)



Video: iFederation@ALISE 2023 Virtual Session on Impact of Generative AI Tools on Teaching and Learning
(ALISE: Association for Library and Information Science Education)


Higher Ed

Key Trends in Elementary to Postsecondary Student Enrollments, Graduations, and Tuition Fees
(Statistics Canada)

Veterans Enrollment: What Do the Data Show?
(Ithaka S+R)


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Achieving the Dream Releases New Equity Toolkit
(Diverse: Issues in Higher Education)


Scholars & Scholarship

Consulting the Research Community on cOAlition S’s “Towards Responsible Publishing” Proposal: Tender Results
(cOAlition S)

How ROR and the Open Funder Registry Overlap: A Closer Look at the Data
(ROR: Research Organization Registry)

RDA National PID (Persistent Identifier) Strategies Guide and Checklist: Final Outputs and Supporting Materials Available
(RDA: Research Data Alliance)

Upcoming Conference (Tuesday, October 24): Exploring New Horizons in Generative AI
(HAI: Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, Stanford University)


In Other News

AI Chatbots Are Getting Their Wires Crossed on the Israel-Hamas War

The Largest Cyberattack of Its Kind Recently Happened. Here’s How.
(Washington Post)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst
