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Day in Review (February 21–23)

Last Updated on February 23, 2023, 3:37 pm ET

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Jump to: Wednesday, February 22 | Thursday, February 23

Monday, February 21

Top o’ the Review

Beyond Memorization: Text Generators May Plagiarize beyond “Copy and Paste”
(Penn State University)

NIH Releases Public Access Plan for Public Feedback
(NIH: US National Institutes of Health)

Plenaries at CNI Spring 2023 Meeting
(CNI: Coalition for Networked Information)

The PNAS Journals Outline Their Policies for ChatGPT and Generative AI
(PNAS: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America)
Note: Late last week Taylor & Francis also released a statement

University of Iowa (UI) Student Cheats the System With AI Program ChatGPT
(Daily Iowan)

Year in Review: arXiv 2022 Annual Report


ARL Member Libraries

Cataloging for Change: Accurately Describing the African American Experience
(Emory University Libraries)

Claire Stewart Named New Dean of Libraries and University Librarian Designate
(University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

Libraries Primed to Play Integral Role in Preventing the Spread of Health Misinformation
(UC San Diego Library)

New Labels for an Old Book: Audubon’s Birds of America
(University of Michigan Library)

Representing SBU at Joint Conference of Librarians of Color
(SBU: Stony Brook University Libraries)

UW Libraries Welcomes New Associate Dean and Director
(UW: University of Washington Libraries)




Higher Ed—Members

Website Sheds Light on 19th-Century Black Literary Culture
(Cornell University)

Yale University Art Gallery Digitizes Its Publications
(Yale Daily News)


Higher Ed—Other

Making Postsecondary Education More Affordable
(Government of Alberta)


Advocacy & Public Policy

Office of Research Integrity (ORI) Annual Report FY 2022
(US Department of Health and Human Services)


Scholars & Scholarship

Chronicling America’s Newspaper Biographies as Data
(NEH: US National Endowment for the Humanities)

More Than 18,000 Books Added to Directory of Open Access Books in 2022
(DOAB: Directory of Open Access Books)

The Pandemic and Changes in Early-Career Researchers’ Career Prospects, Research, and Publishing Practices


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst

Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Wednesday, February 22

Top o’ the Review

CC Open Education Platform Lightning Talks February 2023: Recordings and Slides
(CC: Creative Commons)

Exploring the Values of the Catalog of Open Infrastructure Services (COIs)
(IOI: Invest in Open Infrastructure)

Higher Education Access and Success for Undocumented Students Start with 9 Key Criteria
(The Education Trust)

NLM Broadens PubMed Central Eligibility Requirements to Accept Applications from Spanish-Language Journals
(NLM: US National Library of Medicine)

Students Report Greater Appreciation for Their Teachers and Education Due to Pandemic Experiences

US Census Data Vulnerable to Attack without Enhanced Privacy Measures
(Penn Engineering)


ARL Member Libraries

Anne M. Brown Receives NSF CAREER Award to Use Computational Modeling to Study Amyloid Interactions
(Virginia Tech)

CRL Assessing Donations Policy
(CRL: Center for Research Libraries)

LSU Libraries Special Collections Is Restoring a 19th-Century Mardi Gras Scrapbook
(LSU: Louisiana State University)

Ruth Duckworth’s Masterpiece “Clouds over Lake Michigan” Joins UChicago’s Collection of Public Art
(The University of Chicago Library)

UArizona Helps Launch Archive Sharing Stories of Detained Immigrants
(The University of Arizona)

UNT Libraries Sole New Member of Prestigious Research Association
(UNT: University of North Texas, via Denton Record-Chronicle)


Higher Ed

Vermont: College Students Object to All-Digital Library, Sports Shift
(AP: Associated Press)


Advocacy & Public Policy

Early Thoughts on Regulating Generative AI Like ChatGPT
(Brookings Institution)

Internet Archive Joins Library Groups at the Supreme Court
(Internet Archive)
See also: ARL’s issue brief on Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and a text transcript and audio recording of the oral argument


Scholars & Scholarship

Can an Artificial Intelligence Chatbot Be the Author of a Scholarly Article?
(Science Editing)

Measuring the Concept of PID Literacy: User Perceptions and Understanding of Persistent Identifiers in Support of Open Scholarly Infrastructure (preprint)

Nature Welcomes Registered Reports

PLOS Adopts CCC Ringgold Identify Database as Its PID Solution
(PLOS: Public Library of Science)


In Other News

New Federal Internship Portal Centralizes Search and Application Process for Prospective Interns
(OPM: US Office of Personnel Management)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst

Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Thursday, February 23

Top o’ the Review

As Scientists Explore AI-Written Text, Journals Hammer Out Policies

CNI Prerecorded Project Briefing Series Live: February 2023
(CNI: Coalition for Networked Information)

Report of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Advisory Committee to Address Anti-Black Racism in Research and Research Training
(SSHRC: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Government of Canada)

Upcoming Event (Wednesday, March 29): Towards a FAIRer World: Implementing the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science to Address Global Challenges—UNESCO, Paris, and Virtual
(CODATA: Committee on Data, International Science Council)

Upcoming Virtual Convening (Thursday–Friday, April  6–7): HBCUs, Digital Libraries, and Collaboration
(DLF: Digital Library Federation)

Video: Spring Author Forum: Reshaping Perspectives on Flexible Work: The Impact of COVID-19 on Academic Library Management
(ACRL: Association of College and Research Libraries)


ARL Member Libraries

Christopher Harter Named University Archivist and Head of the Archives and Rare Books Library
(University of Cincinnati)

Duke Libraries Receives Significant Gift from Emeritus Professor of Buddhist Studies
(Duke University Libraries)

New Media Suite at Dirac: A Creation Space for All
(FSU: Florida State University Libraries)

Opening of the Racial Justice Resource Center
(Brown University Library)



CC Needs Assessment Report on Public Domain Tools in Cultural Heritage Sector Unveils Key Insights
(CC: Creative Commons)


Higher Ed

Anne E. Tasca Gives NYU Stern School of Business $53.6 Million, the Largest Single Gift in the School’s History
(NYU: New York University)


Advocacy & Public Policy

CDT, EPIC, and Others Urge FCC to Provide Consumers with Easy-to-Understand Privacy Labels
(CDT: Center for Democracy & Technology)

EPIC, Coalition Call for ICE to Cancel Contract with LexisNexis for Invasive Surveillance Databases
(EPIC: Electronic Privacy Information Center)

Getting Science Back on Track: Voices of Scientists across Six Federal Agencies
(UCS: Union of Concerned Scientists)


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Call for Submissions of Equity Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Resources, and the EDI Events, Training Opportunities, and Initiatives of CARL Member Institutions
(CARL: Canadian Association of Research Libraries)

SAA Receives Grant from Mellon Foundation to Support Pilot Program for Indigenizing Archival Practices
(SAA: Society of American Archivists)


Scholars & Scholarship

A Conversation about Building a Support Network in Science
(Nature Communications)

Special Issue: 2022 Research Data Access and Preservation (RDAP) Summit
(Journal of eScience Librarianship)

The More the Merrier, or How More Registered Grants Means More Relationships with Outputs


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst
