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Day in Review (December 20–22)

Last Updated on July 9, 2022, 9:43 am ET

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Jump to:  Tuesday, December 21

Monday, December 20

Top o’ the Review

Fifty Centuries of Innovation in Scientific Publishing: Video Series
(International Science Council)

Leading by Diversifying Collections: Announcing a New Project to Support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Academic Libraries
(Ithaka S+R)

Research Note: Lies and Presidential Debates: How Political Misinformation Spread across Media Streams during the 2020 Election
(HKS Misinformation Review)

What’s the Latest Picture of Open GLAM?
(Open GLAM)

Why Does Library Holding Format Really Matter for Book Impact Assessment?: Modelling the Relationship between Citations and Altmetrics with Print and Electronic Holdings


ARL Member Libraries

Creating Smarter Spaces with Smart Technology
(UC San Diego Library)

Findings from Audiovisual Metadata Platform Pilot Development (AMPPD) Project Now Available in New White Paper

Hacking the Library Experience
(Tandon School of Engineering, New York University)

New Online Exhibition at UC Berkeley Library: ¡Viva La Revolución Mexicana: 1920–2020!
(UC Berkeley Library)

University of Minnesota Receives Grant to Expand Efforts to Address Racial Disparities in Housing
(University of Minnesota)

Year in Review: Most Searched and Borrowed Titles of 2021
(McGill Library)



NextGen Books: A TIB Project Site Launch
(German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) blog)


Higher Ed—Members

61 Young Afghan Women Arrive to Begin New Life as Sun Devils
(Arizona State University)


Higher Ed—Other

An Audible University? The Emerging Role of Podcasts, Audiobooks, and Text to Speech Technology in Research Should Be Taken Seriously
(LSE Impact Blog)


Advocacy & Public Policy

CDT Urges FCC to Protect Student Privacy and Bolster Equitable Online Access in Establishing Affordable Connectivity Fund
(Center for Democracy and Technology)


Data & Analytics

Number and Salaries of Full-Time Teaching Staff at Canadian Universities (Final), 2020/2021
(Statistics Canada)


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Equity-Minded Reform of Faculty Evaluation Policies: Audit Resource
(American Council on Education)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst


Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Tuesday, December 21

Top o’ the Review

Journals Adopt AI to Spot Duplicated Images in Manuscripts

Launch of the AI Researchers Portal
(US National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Office )

Mapping Data Portability Initiatives, Opportunities, and Challenges
(Oganisation for Economic Cooperation and Development)

New Report: “Impact of US Research Security Policies: US Security and the Benefits of Open Science and International Collaborations”
(American Physical Society)

RLUK, SCONUL, Jisc, and Partners Raise Concerns about Pearson Price Increase
(Research Libraries UK)


ARL Member Libraries

CDL, CRL & HathiTrust Summit for Shared Print in the Collections Lifecycle
(California Digital Library)

Discover the Innovative 16th Century Books Acquired by Special Collections
(Simon Fraser University Library)

“Jews of Color” Initiative Gets $250K Boost
(University of Colorado Boulder)

LC Labs Letter: December 2021
(US Library of Congress)

New Initiative Will Help Preserve Rare Early Sound Recordings
(UC Santa Barbara Library)



Introducing Trusted Book Providers
(Open Library)

Risks and Trust in Pursuit of a Well-Functioning Persistent Identifier Infrastructure for Research
(Knowledge Exchange News)

PKP and SciELO Announce Renewed Partnership
(Public Knowledge Project)

Save the Date: Core Symposium on the Future of Library Binding
(American Library Association Core blog)


Higher Ed—Members

College Major Restrictions and Student Stratification
(Center for Studies in Higher Education, UC Berkeley)


Advocacy & Public Policy

US Copyright Office Is Announcing a Series of Consultations on Technical Measures to Identify or Protect Copyrighted Works Online
(US Federal Register)


Scholars & Scholarship

Algorithmic Amplification of Politics on Twitter
(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America)
Also see this PNAS editorial, “Twitter Manipulates Your Feed: Ethical Considerations


In Other News

Nearly 3 in 10 Doubt Leaders Value Scientific Expertise
(Gallup blog)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst

