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Day in Review (December 14–18, 2020)

Last Updated on December 18, 2020, 5:02 pm ET

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Jump to: Tuesday, December 15Wednesday, December 16 | Thursday, December 17 | Friday, December 18

Monday, December 14

Top o’ the Review

Dr. Crystal Newby Appointed as NACAC’s First Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
(National Association for College Admission Counseling)

Invisible Chapters: Writing the Black Community into the Stories of Libraries, Bookstores, and Publishing
(Cronkite News/Arizona State University & Arizona Public Broadcasting)

Mission Alignment: University Presses versus Institutional Visions
(Learned Publishing)

NISO’s Updated Draft Standard on Criteria for Indexes Now Open for Public Comment
(US National Information Standards Organization)

Seattle’s National Archives Branch Means More Than Its Real-Estate Value
(Seattle Times)


ARL Member Libraries

CBS 2 Features “Six Feet Apart” Archive Documenting UIC Community’s Experiences during COVID-19
(University of Illinois Chicago University Library)

National Film Registry Spotlights Diverse Filmmakers in New Selections
(US Library of Congress)

Sense and Sensitivity: Librarians, Researchers, Native Community Members Weigh in on Ethical Access to Indigenous Collections
(UC Berkeley Library)

“Unlocking COVID-19 through Open Access” with Jason Shuo Zhang
(University of Colorado Boulder University Libraries)



Changing Our Journals “Shallow Archive”
(Cambridge University Press)

EaaSI Update October–November 2020
(Software Preservation Network)

Important Changes to Our Journal CSV and How We License Metadata
(Directory of Open Access Journals)


Higher Ed

CHEA Annual Report 2019–2020
(Council for Higher Education Accreditation)

The Energy We Spend: The Unexpected Costs for Commuter Students in Their Quest for Belonging
(NASPA, Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education)


Advocacy & Public Policy

FTC Issues Orders to Nine Social Media and Video Streaming Services Seeking Data about How They Collect, Use, and Present Information
(US Federal Trade Commission)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst


Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Tuesday, December 15

Top o’ the Review

16 Physics Societies Unite in Support of Open Access
(IOP Publishing)

Library Copyright Alliance Joins Authors Alliance in Comment Supporting New Exemption to Section 1201 of the DMCA to Enable Text and Data Mining Research
(Authors Alliance)

Half of College Students Say COVID-19 May Impact Completion & College Students Report Quality Experience amid COVID-19

Michelson Cinema Research Library Finds a New Home at the Internet Archive

RLUK Calls for Participants in Major Research
(Research Libraries UK)


ARL Member Libraries

Ask Us! Online Chat Stats since COVID-19
(University of Alberta Library)

Betsy Wilson, Vice Provost of Digital Initiatives and Dean of UW Libraries, Announces Retirement
(University of Washington Libraries)

Indigenous Storyteller-in-Residence Program Introduced at University Library
(University of Saskatchewan University Library)

For the Fourth Year, Concordia University, McGill University, and Université de Montréal Partner on Indigenous Student Librarian Program
(Concordia University)

US Copyright Office Launches Copyright Public Records System Pilot
(US Copyright Office)



Open-Access Journal eLife Announces “Preprint First” Publishing Model

Preprint: “We’re Gonna Figure This Out”: First-Generation Students and Academic Libraries
(portal: Libraries and the Academy)


Higher Ed

New Report about America and International Scientific Engagement: Lessons & Recommendations
(American Academy of Arts and Sciences)


Advocacy & Public Policy

American Council on Education and 53 Other Associations Send Letter to Congressional Leaders in Support of TREAT Act
(American Council on Education)

13 US Federal District Courts Will Participate in Audio Livestream Pilot
(US Courts)
See also: Fix the Court Responds to Judicial Conference’s Live Audio Pilot Announcement


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst


Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Wednesday, December 16

Top o’ the Review

Announcing This Year’s JROST Rapid Response Fund Awardees
(Invest in Open Infrastructure)

Elsevier Signs Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)

NEH Announces $33 Million for 213 Humanities Projects Nationwide
(US National Endowment for the Humanities)

OASPA Members’ Output Continues to Grow, as Does the Use of CC BY Licenses
(Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association)

Will the Coronavirus Slow Open Access—And Is the Answer Different for Books and Journals?


ARL Member Libraries

Amid a Racial Reckoning, Fiat Lux Magazine Explores Diversity in the UC Berkeley Library
(UC Berkeley Library)

Library of Congress Appoints New Chief of Researcher and Reference Services Division
(US Library of Congress)

NLM and NEH Renew Partnership to Collaborate on Research, Education, and Career Initiative
(US National Library of Medicine and US National Endowment for the Humanities)

PUL Unveils Digital Gallery Documenting Albert Einstein’s Relationship with the University, Princeton University Press, and Institute for Advanced Study
(Princeton University Library)

Serials Reduction for 2020
(University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Library)



A Look at Books and Movies Entering the Public Domain on January 1, 2021
(Internet Archive Blog)

Creating Virtual Library Spaces: Emerging Technologies
(Ithaka S+R Blog)


Higher Ed

APLU & USU Team Up with Universities to Improve 21st-Century Skills for Low-Income Students through Community-University Partnerships
(Association of Public and Land-grant Universities and Coalition of Urban Serving Universities)

Should the Federal Government Fund Short-Term Postsecondary Certificate Programs?
(Urban Institute)


Advocacy & Public Policy

October–November 2020: DMCA Rulemaking, DMCA Reform
(Software Preservation Network)


Scholars & Scholarship

Who Were America’s Enslaved? A New Database Humanizes the Names Behind the Numbers
(Smithsonian Magazine)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst


Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Thursday, December 17

Top o’ the Review

Canadian Association of Research Libraries Releases Copyright Resources for Universities
(Canadian Association of Research Libraries)

Federal Research: Agencies Need to Enhance Policies to Address Foreign Influence
(US Government Accountability Office)

Future of US Science Policy, Legacy of Science: The Endless Frontier Discussed in New Publication
(National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine)

Introducing the Open Library Explorer
(Open Library)

What is the Academic Research Enterprise?
(Ithaka S+R)


ARL Member Libraries

Introducing the Images of Research Colouring Book
(University of Alberta Library)

Latin Americanist Research Resources Project (LARRP) Supports Digitization of Post-Revolutionary Mexican Materials
(Center for Research Libraries)



CLIR Board Appoints New Members, Officers
(Council on Library and Information Resources)

Project ReShare: Progress and Expansion
(Project ReShare)

New REALM Project Resources Available

Special Issue on Sustainability and Libraries
(International Journal of Librarianship)

Web-Scale Discovery Service Adoption in Canadian Academic Libraries
(Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research)


Higher Ed

Current Term Enrollment Estimates
(National Student Clearinghouse Research Center)

New Research on Privacy and Security Risks of Remote Learning Software
(Freedom to Tinker)


In Other News

Carnegie Mellon’s Updated IoT Privacy Assistant App Allows Users to Maintain Privacy
(Security Magazine)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst


Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Friday, December 18

Top o’ the Review

A*CENSUS II Working Group to Begin Work
(Society of American Archivists)

Augmented Reality and the Surveillance Society
(IEEE Spectrum)

FORCE11 Announces New Board Members for 2021

Libraries Love Wikimedia, Too!

Report Highlights Long-Term Benefits of Scientific Collections


ARL Member Libraries

Heritage and Imagination: Pat Mikelson and the Highlights for Children Records at University Libraries
(The Ohio State University Libraries)

Indigenous Knowledge Center Bibliography Published by Libraries Open Publishing
(Penn State University Libraries)

New Space to Shape the Future of Library Special Collections Research
(UCLA Library)

National Recording Preservation Foundation Grant Awarded to Digitize Iowa State University Lectures
(Iowa State University Library)



2021 Product: Improving the Researcher and Member Experience

Coming in January 2021: New Public Domain Items;
Now Available: New Download Formats

Disgruntled or Delighted? A Profile of DOAJ Users and How Satisfied They Are with Our Service
(Directory of Open Access Journals)

How a Torrent of COVID Science Changed Research Publishing—in Seven Charts

Walk-in Users and Their Access to Online Resources in Canadian Academic Libraries
(Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research)


Higher Ed

“Transformational”: MacKenzie Scott’s Gifts to HBCUs, Other Colleges Surpass $800 Million
(Washington Post)


Scholars & Scholarship

Historical Scientific Analog Data: Life Sciences Faculty’s Perspectives on Management, Reuse, and Preservation
(Data Science Journal)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst

