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Day in Review (December 13–16)

Last Updated on July 9, 2022, 9:43 am ET

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Jump to:  Tuesday, December 14 | Wednesday, December 15 | Thursday, December 16

Monday, December 13

Top o’ the Review

2021 Fall Term Pulse Point Survey of College and University Presidents, Part II
(American Council on Education)

Actions Needed by Higher Education Institutions, Technology Companies, Federal Agencies to Increase Representation of Women of Color in Tech
(US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine)

How Do Scholars and Non-scholars Participate in Dataset Dissemination on Twitter?
(Journal of Informetrics)

US Department of Education Announces $182 Million in Education Innovation and Research Grants to Improve Academic Achievement for Underserved Students
(US Department of Education)

What Sci-Hub’s Latest Court Battle Means for Research


ARL Member Libraries

Arrest Made after Quran Found Damaged in ASU Hayden Library Interfaith Room
(State Press)

Library: A Fragile History (author interview)
(New York Public Library)

Leadership Changes to Advance Equity
(US National Archives and Records Administration)

Moving into a New House: FSU Libraries Updates and Improves Research Repository
(Florida State University Libraries)

University Libraries Publishes “Art History Dissertations” Online Bibliography
(Penn State University Libraries)



Call for Expressions of Interest for CARL’s Competencies Promotion Working Group
(Canadian Association of Research Libraries)

Creating an Inclusive Research Ecosystem for the Global South

FDLP.gov Beta Website Now Live
(US Federal Depository Library Program)

Report from Rosemont Alliance Executive Committee 2021 Annual Meeting
(California Digital Library)


Higher Ed—Members

Using Data Science to Address the Gender and Racial Wage Gap
(Boston University)


Higher Ed—Other

More Colleges Rethink Student Loans as Debate over Debt Cancellation Rages On
(Washington Post)


Advocacy & Public Policy

Chrome Users Beware: Manifest V3 Is Deceitful and Threatening
(Electronic Frontier Foundation)


Scholars & Scholarship

Faculty and Librarian Perceptions of Librarians as Researchers: Results from Semi-structured Interviews
(Canadian Journal of Academic Librarianship)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst


Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Tuesday, December 14

Top o’ the Review

Better Images of AI Launches a Free Stock Image Library of More Realistic Images of Artificial Intelligence
(Better Images of AI)
Note: Learn more about the project via a BBC Research and Development blog post.

Epidemic Tracking and Forecasting: Lessons Learned from a Tumultuous Year
(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)

Global Risks Perceptions Report 2021 Released
(International Science Council)

JASON Report on Facilities Cybersecurity
(US National Science Foundation)

Joint Statement from Six International Higher Education Associations: Collaborating to Support Safe, Secure, and Sustainable Internationalisation
(American Council on Education)


ARL Member Libraries

1950 Census Release Will Offer Enhanced Digital Access, Public Collaboration Opportunity
(US National Archives and Records Administration)

Kresge Law Library Receives Rare, Antique English Legal Documents from Alumnus
(University of Notre Dame)

Library of Congress Digital Collections Strategy Published
(US Library of Congress)



A Look at Ebook Usage in 2020–21
(Cambridge University Library)

CLIR Announces Awards for New Publication Series
(Council on Library and Information Resources)

Dear Users of CC Search, Welcome to Openverse
(Creative Commons)

Presentations Now Available from CHORUS Academic Advisory Working Group November Speaking Engagements


Higher Ed

New Report: China Studies in North America
(American Council of Learned Societies)


Advocacy & Public Policy

CUPA-HR Leads Higher Ed Letter Asking for Further Extension of I-9 Flexibility Guidance
(College and University Professional Association for Human Resources)

Nearly Three-Fourths of Online Households Continue to Have Digital Privacy and Security Concerns
(US National Telecommunications and Information Administration)


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

2021 in Review: Our Reports on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
(US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine)

Improving the Student Learning Experience through the Student-Led Implementation of Interactive Features in an Online Open-Access Textbook
(International Journal for Students as Partners)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst


Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Wednesday, December 15

Top o’ the Review

2021 NDSA Membership Survey Report Released
(Digital Library Federation)
See also: National Digital Stewardship Alliance Welcomes New Member Organizations

Building Sustainable Data Sharing Communities: Announcing the Participants in an NSF-Funded Incubation Workshop
(Ithaka S+R)

Coming in January 2022: New Public Domain Items

COPIM Statement on the Corporate Acquisition of OA Infrastructure
(COPIM—Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs)

What Has Changed Since 2015? A New and Expanded Update on Copyright Practices and Approaches at Canadian Post-Secondaries
(Evidenced Based Library and Information Practice)


ARL Member Libraries

Papers of Benjamin LaGuer Acquired by UMass Amherst Libraries
(University of Massachusetts Amherst)

University of Georgia Libraries to Enhance Access to Archives on Local Urban Renewal Projects
(University of Georgia)



Boston Phoenix Rises Again with New Online Access
(Internet Archive)

Open Access Scientific Journals: An Analysis of the Directory of Open Access Journals
(Information Research)

Wiley Acquires eJournalPress


Higher Ed—Members

Combinatorial Theory Publishes First Issue
(Office of Scholarly Communication, University of California)

NYU Researchers Secure $200,000 Grant to Bring Novel AI Tool to Support Under-Resourced Newsrooms across the US
(New York University)


Higher Ed—Other

Enrollment and Employees in Postsecondary Institutions, Fall 2020; and Financial Statistics and Academic Libraries, Fiscal Year 2020 (Provisional Data)
(US National Center for Education Statistics)

Higher Education Associations Release Updated Statement of Principles on Transfer and Award of Credit
(American Council on Education)


Advocacy & Public Policy

Lifting Barriers to COVID-19 Research—Will the WTO Act?
(Electronic Information for Libraries)


Data & Analytics

Appointment of Director and Deputy Director of the African Open Science Platform
(CODATA—Committee on Data, International Science Council)


Scholars & Scholarship

Special Collection on Citizen Science in Higher Education Launched
(Citizen Science: Theory and Practice)


In Other News

Web Science and Living with AI: The Reith Lectures
(Web Science Trust)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst


Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Thursday, December 16

Top o’ the Review

CARL Releases Library Impact Framework
(Canadian Association of Research Libraries)

cOAlition S Starts Building Its Journal Comparison Service to Help Create Visibility of Publishing Services and Prices
(cOAlition S)

Conquest of ProQuest and Knowledge Unlatched: How Recent Mergers Are Bad for Research and the Public
(Invest in Open Infrastructure)

Dr. Patricia Brennan of NLM to Receive NISO’s Miles Conrad Award for 2022
(National Information Standards Organization)

Wrap-up and Takeaways from FORCE2021


ARL Member Libraries

Digitization Grant Update: George Mercer Dawson
(McGill Library)

Gift of Rare Third Folio Enhances UofSC’s Shakespeare Collection
(University of South Carolina)

Library Boosts New Digitization Projects
(Cornell Chronicle)

Now Available: Technical Report Archive & Image Library (TRAIL) Autumn 2021 Newsletter
(Center for Research Libraries)

Open Access Books Collection: Expanding Access and Building Connections
(US Library of Congress)



1Lib1Ref Is Back in 2022 with More Languages and Advanced Tasks
(Diff blog, Wikimedia Foundation)

ARK Alliance 2021 Wrap Up
(ARK Alliance)

CEU Press Reaches Target for Fifth Book Funded by Opening the Future Programme
(Opening the Future)

RDA’s 18th Virtual Plenary Meeting: Final Report
(Research Data Alliance)


Higher Ed—Members

Latest Carnegie Classification Reflects Changing Higher Education Landscape
(Indiana University)


Higher Ed—Other

Open Science in University Approaches to Academic Assessment
(European University Association)


Advocacy & Public Policy

AI and Education: Guidance for Policy-Makers


In Other News

Report of the 2021 High Level Workshop on the European Research Area: Research Culture in the ERA
(Science Europe)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst

