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Day in Review (August 22–25)

Last Updated on August 25, 2022, 6:03 pm ET

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Jump to: Tuesday, August 23 | Wednesday, August 24 | Thursday, August 25

Monday, August 22

Top o’ the Review

EDUCAUSE QuickPoll Results: Transforming Teaching and Learning with a Digital Learning Strategy

Grant Project Aims to Introduce Librarianship to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color
(SJSU: San José State University School of Information)

Read the A*CENSUS II: All Archivists Survey Report
(SAA: Society of American Archivists)

The Public Wants Scientists to Be More Involved in Policy Debates
(Scientific American)

Upcoming Online Event (August 24): Safe Return to Campus: Preparing for Monkeypox and COVID-19
(ACHA and ACE: American College Health Association and American Council on Education)


ARL Member Libraries

Jennifer Schultz and Laura Fish Join SU Press
(Syracuse University Libraries)

JHU Libraries Supports Open Access Books through MIT Direct to Open
(Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries & University Museums)

Video: Shelf Life: Preserving the Library’s Collections
(UC Berkeley Library)

UVA Library Archive Collects Community’s Perspective of August12
(Daily Progress)

VCU Project Awarded State Grant Supporting the Creation of Free Course Materials
(VCU Libraries)



Video: A Continental Move: Celebrating the African Librarians Week Past and Present
(Wikimedia Foundation)


Higher Ed—Other

College Students Return to Campus without Access to Abortion
(AP: Associated Press)

Most Student Parents Cannot Afford College and Childcare
(Diverse Issues in Higher Education)

New NSF Awards Seek to Broaden Participation in Biology through Research Experiences for Recent College Graduates
(NSF: US National Science Foundation)


Scholars & Scholarship

Lack of Grants from Funding Agencies Biggest Barrier to Open-Access Publishing in the Physical Sciences, Study Finds
(IOP Publishing)

Podcast: Nature’s Take: What’s Next for the Preprint Revolution


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst

Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Tuesday, August 23

Top o’ the Review

A Face-to-Face Approach to the Online Learning Space

A Survey of Researchers’ Code-Sharing and Code-Reuse Practices, and Assessment of Interactive Notebook Prototypes
(PeerJ Life and Environment)

CDC Monkeypox Response Update to Partners (as of August 15)
(ACHA: American College Health Association)

Five Years of the Library Map of the World—We Are Creating It Together
(IFLA: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions)

Request for Information; Federal Evidence Agenda on LGBTQI+ Equity
(US Office of Science and Technology Policy via Federal Register)


ARL Member Libraries

ASU Librarian on a Mission to “Reclaim and Repatriate” Indigenous Knowledge
(ASU: Arizona State University)

Designing Libraries IX Registration Now Open
(Temple University Libraries) 

Global Press Archive CRL Alliance Launches New In-Copyright Collection
(CRL: Center for Research Libraries)

IMLS Awards UChicago Library National Leadership Grant to Enhance GIS Librarian Workflows
(The University of Chicago Library)

Moshe Safdie, One of the World’s Most Acclaimed and Influential Architects, Gifts His Professional Archive to McGill University
(McGill University)

New Digital Resource on the History of Slavery at UGA
(UGA: University of Georgia Libraries)


Higher Ed—Members

Biomedical, Data-Science Training Wins New $4.16M Grant
(Department of Computer Science, Rice University)


Higher Ed—Other

Technology Access in Higher Education in Prison Programs: New Survey Launch
(Ithaka S+R)


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Video: Writing Women into Wiki History: Experiences and Best Practices (Wikimania 2022 Presentation)
(Wikimedia Foundation)


Scholars & Scholarship

The Effects of Personality Traits and Attitudes towards the Rule on Academic Dishonesty among University Students
(Scientific Reports)


In Other News

Ex-Twitter Exec Blows the Whistle, Alleging Reckless and Negligent Cybersecurity Policies
(CNN: Cable News Network)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst

Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Wednesday, August 24

Top o’ the Review

Fact Sheet: President Biden Announces Student Loan Relief for Borrowers Who Need It Most
(The White House)
See also statements about the announcement from:

Humanities Commons Network to Expand to New STEM-Focused Commons
(Michigan State University)

IARLA Virtual Reading Room (VRR) Register: Call to Register Your VRRs
(IARLA: International Alliance of Research Library Associations)

NCES Releases Data on Postsecondary Tuition, Fees, and Degrees
(NCES: US National Center for Education Statistics)

Reimagined WorldCat.org Offers an Improved User Experience, More Ways to Engage, Better Connections to Libraries from Where People Start Their Searches


ARL Member Libraries

Hitting the Books! Colleges and Universities in the Records of the National Register of Historic Places
(NARA: US National Archives and Records Administration)

McGill University Library Map Collection Now on Canadiana
(CRKN: Canadian Research Knowledge Network)
NLM to Host Data, Health, and the Digital Humanities: Shared Horizons II
(NLM: US National Library of Medicine)

University of Michigan Press Hits 2022 Open Access Books Target; Ready to Expand Open Access in 2023

Voices of Mass Incarceration in the United States—New John Hay Library Collecting Direction
(Brown University Library)



Announcing the Digital Preservation Services Collaborative (DPSC) Planning Project
(Educopia Institute)

Canada Foundation for Innovation Renews Support for Coalition Publica—in a Big Way!
(PKP: Public Knowledge Project)

Understanding Archivists: Insights from the A*CENSUS II: All Archivists Survey Report
(Ithaka S+R)


Higher Ed—Members

Free Tuition Programs for Indigenous Students Pick Up Steam across the Country
(NASFAA: National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators)

Social and Behavioral Science to Build Vaccine Demand and Healthier Information Environments
(SSRC: Social Science Research Council)


Advocacy & Public Policy

The Outgoing White House AI Director Explains the Policy Challenges Ahead
(MIT Technology Review)


In Other News

Tackling the Mental-Health Crisis in Young People


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst

Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Thursday, August 25

Top o’ the Review

Breakthroughs for All: Delivering Equitable Access to America’s Research
(OSTP: US Office of Science and Technology Policy, The White House)
See also statements from ARL and SPARC

​​Jim Rettig, 2008–2009 ALA President, Has Died
(ALA: American Library Association)

NARA’s Digital Preservation Framework Goes Live as Linked Open Data Set
(NARA: US National Archives and Records Administration)

New Rule on DACA One Step Forward in Dire Need for Progress
(Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration)

RDA 19th Plenary Highlights—Recordings, Attendance Statistics, Upcoming Events
(RDA: Research Data Alliance)

Why Do Papers from International Collaborations Get More Citations? A Bibliometric Analysis of Library and Information Science Papers


ARL Member Libraries

Bringing History Alive at UCR Library
(UC Riverside Library)

Join Us for a Congress.gov Virtual Public Forum on September 21!
(Library of Congress)

MIT Prize for Open Data

(MIT Libraries)

Rubenstein Library Magazine: New Issue Online
(Duke University Libraries)

University of Chicago Joins Opening the Future at Both CEU Press and Liverpool University Press
(Opening the Future)



Encoded Archival Standards: A View from ArchiveGrid and NAFAN Research
(Hanging Together, OCLC Research)

NDSA Announces 2022 Slate of Candidates for Coordinating Committee
(DLF: Digital Library Federation)


Higher Ed

Deputy Secretary Discusses Roles for Universities in Nation’s Defense
(US Department of Defense)

Making Scientific and Technical Careers More Accessible
(Issues in Science and Technology)

The Evolving Role of CIOs in Higher Education

Scholars & Scholarship

Long-Term Availability of Data Associated with Articles in PLOS ONE
(PLOS One)

Sharing Our Strategic and Research Roadmaps
(IOI: Invest in Open Infrastructure)

SciELO Data Repository in Regular Operation
(SciELO: Scientific Electronic Library Online)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst
