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Day in Review (April 11–14)

Last Updated on July 9, 2022, 9:41 am ET

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Jump to:  Tuesday, April 12 | Wednesday, April 13 | Thursday, April 14

Monday, April 11

Top o’ the Review

Academic Library Spaces and Student Activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic (abstract only)
(Journal of Academic Librarianship)

CLIR and HBCU Library Alliance Release Study on Creating Access to HBCU Library Alliance Archives
(HBCU Library Alliance and Council on Library and Information Resources)

Overlay Journals: A Study of the Current Landscape

RLUK Report: Virtual Reading Rooms (VRRs) and Virtual Teaching Spaces (VTSs) amongst Collection-Holding Institutions
(Research Libraries UK)

Upcoming Special Event (April 21–22): Third Meeting of the Strategic Council for Research Excellence, Integrity, and Trust
(US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine)


ARL Member Libraries

Amy Brand, Director and Publisher of the MIT Press, Calls to Depolarize the Open Access Debate in Times Higher Education
(MIT Press)

Cairo Office Turns 60
(US Library of Congress)

Georgia Review Wins National Magazine Award
(University of Georgia Libraries)

“Islands of Hope”: Ukrainian Libraries Respond to Russian Invasion in Surprising and Heartbreaking Ways—Here’s How
(UC Berkeley Library)

Respectfully Yours: A Deep Dive into Digitizing the Booker T. Washington Collection
(Duke University Libraries)



Meet the 1,300 Librarians Racing to Back Up Ukraine’s Digital Archives
(Washington Post)

Tagging and Tracking Outputs with Machine-Actionable DMPs–the FAIR Island Project
(FAIRsFAIR: Fostering Fair Data Practices in Europe)

With Ukraine’s Digital History Risking Erasure, Canadians Join Efforts to Preserve It
(Globe and Mail)


Higher Ed

Academic Leaders from 40 Universities to Attend Summit on Combating Anti-Semitism
(Jerusalem Post)

Federal Budget 2022: No Major Investments in Post-Secondary Education
(Canadian Association of University Teachers)

Prominent Colleges See International Applications Surging
(Washington Post)


In Other News

Artist Derrick Adams Wins $1.25 Million from the Mellon Foundation to Start a Database Documenting the Black Culture of Baltimore


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst


Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Tuesday, April 12

Top o’ the Review

Preprint: The Impact of Open and Reproducible Scholarship on Students’ Scientific Literacy, Engagement, and Attitudes towards Science: A Review and Synthesis of the Evidence

President’s FY 2023 Budget Request Includes $276.8 Million for the Institute of Museum and Library Services
(US Institute of Museum and Library Services)

Proven Model for First-Generation Student Success Expands to 10 Additional Four-Year Institutions Nationwide
(American Talent Initiative)

Taking Research Information to the Next Level
(Hanging Together: The OCLC Research Blog)

Webinar Recording: ACRL Value of Academic Libraries: Beyond Words: Initiating, Implementing and Sustaining Change
(Association of College and Research Libraries)


ARL Member Libraries

“Beyond the Bookshelf” Event Explores the Journey of Belonging
(Arizona State University Library)

Emory Class Sinks Its Teeth into Bram Stoker Archive at Rose Library
(Emory University)

Hidden Gems–the Rolling Stone Archive
(University of Alberta Library)

Now Online: South Asian Ephemera Collection
(Princeton University Library)

Tulane University Opens Anne Rice’s Complete Archive for Research
(Tulane University)

York U Library Opens Media Creation Lab for Research and Teaching
(York University Libraries)



Crisis Librarianship: An Examination of Online Librarianship Roles in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic (abstract only)
(Journal of Academic Librarianship)

Research Update: COIs, Defining Infrastructure, and Exploring Utility Financing as a Useful Model
(Invest in Open Infrastructure)

Secretary General Released from Duties
(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions)


Higher Ed

3Fold Gains: How Technology Can Improve Quality, Access, and Affordability in Higher Education

AACRAO and NACUBO on the Use of Administrative-Process and Student-Success-Related Holds
(American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers)


Advocacy & Public Policy

Public Input to the Update of the National Artificial Intelligence R&D Strategic Plan
(National Artificial Intelligence Initiative)


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Innovating for Equity
(Issues in Science and Technology)


In Other News

Characterizing Reddit Participation of Users Who Engage in the QAnon Conspiracy Theories
(Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst


Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Wednesday, April 13

Top o’ the Review

Digital Project Explores How Artificial Intelligence Can Help University Staff Reduce Their Workload

Draft Available for Comment: 2022 Update to the ALA Standards for Accreditation of Master’s Programs in Library and Information Studies
(American Library Association)

NEH Announces $33.17 Million for 245 Humanities Projects Nationwide
(US National Endowment for the Humanities)

OCLC and Google Now Connect Web Searchers Directly to Library Collections

Video of CNI Spring 2022 Meeting Session: Open Educational Resource Program Development: A View from Two Institutions
(Coalition for Networked Information)


ARL Member Libraries

Books for All: The New York Public Library Partners with Publishers to Provide Unlimited Access to a Selection of Commonly Banned Books
(New York Public Library)

Diversifying the Curriculum & Decolonizing the Collection
(Duke University Libraries)

Long before Records, Wax Cylinders Played Music. UCSB Has One of the World’s Largest Collections

Mahn Center Intern Brings Asian American and Pacific Islander Collection to Alden Library
(Ohio University Libraries)

UI Libraries Receives NEH Grant to Increase Access to World-Renowned Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry
(The University of Iowa Libraries)



Shaping the 21st-Century Library
(Carnegie Mellon University)


Advocacy & Public Policy

President’s FY 2023 Budget Request for Social and Behavioral Science
(Consortium of Social Science Associations)


Scholars & Scholarship

Announcing the 2022–2023 Data Champions
(Digital Research Alliance of Canada)

How the National AI Research Resource Can Steward the Data Sets It Hosts
(Freedom to Tinker)

Introducing the World Literature Data Collective


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst


Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Thursday, April 14

Top o’ the Review

Beth McNeil Elected ACRL Vice-President/President-Elect
(ACRL Insider)

Emily Drabinski Wins 2023–2024 ALA Presidency
(American Library Association)

National AI Advisory Committee Members Announced by US Department of Commerce
(US Department of Commerce)

Upcoming Events (April 21 and 22): The Right to Research in International Copyright Law
(Electronic Information for Libraries)

US Department of Energy Announces $26 Million for Research on Next-Generation Data Management and Scientific Data Visualization

Video Recording: RLUK Digital Shift Forum: Along Came Google: A History of Library Digitization
(Research Libraries UK)


ARL Member Libraries

Dean of Libraries to Retire
(The University of Utah J. Willard Marriott Library)

Indiana University Libraries Create First-of-Its-Kind African American Digital Resource Collection
(Indiana Public Media)

National Poetry Month Continues: Historic Audio Recordings Now Streaming
(US Library of Congress)

NEH Awards UChicago Library Grant to Digitize Chicagoland’s Historical Maps
(The University of Chicago Library)

NYU Libraries Present “Portable Devices, 1574–1998: Notebooks from NYU Special Collections,” April 14–June 21
(New York University)

“Through a Glass Darkly” Showcases Ripley Alchemical Scrolls from Special Collections
(Princeton University Library)



How the Wayback Machine Is Saving Digital Ukraine: An Interview with Mark Graham
(IEEE Spectrum)


Higher Ed—Members

Dr. Wayne A. I. Frederick to Retire as 17th President of Howard University by June 2024
(Howard University)


Higher Ed—Other

Ohio Innovation Fund on Track for 5X Returns to Universities That Created It
(Columbus Business First)


Advocacy & Public Policy

Letter Urging Congress to Support Student Mental and Behavioral Health Needs
(American Council on Education)


Data & Analytics

DAIR: Creating a New Incentive Structure for AI Research
(Berkeley Institute for Data Science)


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

DOE Releases New Equity Action Plan, Unveils Investments to Strengthen HBCU Opportunities in Clean Energy
(US Department of Energy)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst

