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Community Engagement

Research libraries are community facing partners within organizations and institutions.

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Recent Reports

photo of a hand holding a translucent lightbulb with a sunset in the background
image by Diego PH on Unsplash

Accelerating Social Impact Research: Libraries at the Intersection of Openness and Community-Engaged Scholarship

This is the first report of a six-month pilot cohort program from 2021, Accelerating the Social Impact of Research (ASIR). The pilot engaged small teams from eight ARL member libraries who wanted to share strategies to accelerate the adoption and implementation of open-science principles for social-impact research and scholarship. The report, Accelerating Social Impact Research: Libraries at the Intersection of Openness and Community-Engaged Scholarship, sets the context for this confluence, draws examples from the participating members of the cohort, and identifies the opportunities available for research library leaders. The next installments of this publication series will include additional profiles of the cohort libraries and how they are advancing open scholarship and community engagement.
