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Getting to Know Andrew K. Pace, ARL’s New Executive Director

Last Updated on April 19, 2024, 12:45 pm ET

Andrew K. Pace

Today the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) welcomes Andrew K. Pace as our executive director. We’ve conducted a brief interview to help our community get to know him better as he begins his work with us.

What led you to this position?

I’ve always been drawn to association work, governance, and membership-led organizations. And my experience working for an ARL member library—NC State University—at the beginning of my career was foundational for how I approach working with academic libraries. Moreover, I was intrigued by ARL’s membership model that also embraces national libraries, museum libraries, and large public libraries. I’ve long been a fan of ARL’s work and what it can accomplish. How could I pass up an opportunity to work with so many smart people, among the membership as well as the top-notch and dedicated staff?

What is your vision for ARL?

I think it’s the primary role of an association leader to adequately match the resources and capabilities of the staff and membership with the strategic direction of the Board of Directors. If I can leverage my own knowledge, skills, and network to enhance that role, I certainly will. Libraries and their parent institutions are facing nearly unprecedented challenges, so I’d like to use ARL to amplify their voice and to make a whole that is larger than the sum of its parts. My vision for ARL is not radically new. It’s about transparently communicating the value of membership, being equipped to take on new challenges as libraries face them, and simultaneously maintaining operational excellence as an organization.

How do you describe your leadership style?

I’m a pretty transparent person. But I am also quite passionate. Once an organization has set a course, I will work diligently and persistently to attain organizational goals. A leader is nothing without a team, so my style includes building and maintaining a diverse and inclusive team and ensuring that the entire team is working toward those shared goals. Leadership also means ensuring proper recognition of the membership volunteers and staff. It means setting priorities in line with capacity, or vice versa. A leader also needs to know their team and what motivates or unsettles them. Keeping an eye on wellness and well-being is critical.

What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

I like spending time with my family—my wife, Sharon, and my adult children, Emma and Eli. My wife and I enjoy kayaking and hiking. And serious downtime usually includes discovering a new mystery or drama on BritBox.

Is there anything else you want the ARL community to know about you?

I’m passionate about libraries, librarians, and library workers. And I’m a true believer in the empowerment that comes with higher education and research. I’m incredibly fortunate to have this opportunity to bring my passion and my skills and experience together into one job.

You may reach Andrew at andrew [at] arl [dot] org.
