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Fair Use - Page: 9

  • Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week 2020 Day 1 Roundup

    This week is Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week, an annual celebration of the important doctrines of fair use and fair dealing. It is designed to highlight and promote the opportunities presented by fair...

  • Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week 2020 to Be Celebrated February 24–28

    Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week 2020 to Be Celebrated February 24–28

    Mark your calendars! Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week 2020—an annual international celebration of these important copyright doctrines—will take place Monday–Friday, February 24–28. You can participate on a single day during the...

  • Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week 2020

      Mark your calendars! Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week 2020—a community celebration coordinated by the Association of Research Libraries—will take place February 24–28. You can participate on a single day during...

  • Advocacy and Public Policy Update, April 2019, Released by ARL

    Advocacy and Public Policy Update, April 2019, Released by ARL

    The latest Advocacy and Public Policy Update, by Prudence S. Adler and Krista L. Cox of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), covers key issues of interest to the research...

  • Libraries Open World of Knowledge for People with Visual Disabilities

    Libraries Open World of Knowledge for People with Visual Disabilities

    On April 23, 2018, World Book and Copyright Day, Gulnaz Juzbaeva made history by borrowing a book. “One of the main obstacles I’ve encountered in school and university is the...

  • Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week 2019 Highlights Balance in the Copyright System

    Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week 2019 Highlights Balance in the Copyright System

    The sixth annual Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week was celebrated February 25–March 1, 2019, by 163 participating organizations as well as numerous individuals worldwide. The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) organized...

  • Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week 2019: Day 5 Roundup

    This week is Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week, an annual celebration of the important doctrines of fair use and fair dealing. It is designed to highlight and promote the opportunities presented by fair...

  • Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week 2019: Day 4 Roundup

    This week is Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week, an annual celebration of the important doctrines of fair use and fair dealing. It is designed to highlight and promote the opportunities presented by fair...

  • Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week 2019: Day 3 Roundup

    This week is Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week, an annual celebration of the important doctrines of fair use and fair dealing. It is designed to highlight and promote the opportunities presented by fair...

  • Celebrating Fair Use in Films

    This week is Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week, an annual celebration of the important doctrines of fair use and fair dealing. It is designed to highlight and promote the opportunities presented by fair...
