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Digital Scholarship - Page: 5

  • Digital Scholarship Profile: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    Scholarly Commons Established in 2009 http://www.library.illinois.edu/sc/ Staff: 2 FTE librarians, 1.75 FTE graduate assistants (MA/MLIS students in the School of Information Sciences), 1 FTE academic professional, 1 FTE visiting academic...

  • Digital Scholarship Profile: University of Iowa

    Digital Scholarship & Publishing Studio Established in 2015 http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/studio/ Staff: 12 FTE staff At the Fall 2015 Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Membership Meeting, University of Iowa (UI) university librarian John...

  • Digital Scholarship Profile: Brown University

    Center for Digital Scholarship Established in 2006 http://library.brown.edu/cds/ Staff: 8 full-time staff Patrick Ma Digital Scholarship Lab Established in 2012 http://library.brown.edu/dsl/ Sidney E. Frank Digital Studio Established in 2016 https://library.brown.edu/create/digitalstudio/ The...

  • Digital Scholarship Profile: University of Virginia

    University of Virginia Library Scholars’ Lab (SLab) Established in 2006 http://scholarslab.org/ Staff: 9 full-time staff, 3 student workers, 8 graduate fellows The University of Virginia (UVA) has supported digital scholarship...

  • Digital Scholarship Profile: University of Florida

    Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere (CHPS) Established in 2005, launched in 2009 http://www.humanities.ufl.edu/ UF Digital Humanities Working Group (DHWG) Established in 2011 http://digitalhumanities.group.ufl.edu/dh-uf/ Staff: 2 faculty co-conveners,...

  • Digital Scholarship Profile: Georgia Tech

    retroTECH Established in 2015 http://library.gatech.edu/retrotech Staff: interdisciplinary team of 6 library employees and 1 graduate student, for a combined total of 1.5 FTE The name retroTECH adroitly sums up Georgia Tech...

  • Digital Scholarship Profile: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

    UNC Library Research Hub Comprised of three distinct hubs outlined below http://library.unc.edu/hub/ Total staff for all three hubs: 9 professionals, 3 paraprofessionals, 10 student consultants (see below for breakdown) Hub @...

  • Digital Scholarship Profile: University of Oklahoma

    Digital Scholarship Laboratory Established in 2014 https://libraries.ou.edu/dsl/ Staff: 2 FTE + 1 graduate student The University of Oklahoma’s (OU) Digital Scholarship Laboratory (DSL) opened informally in a provisional capacity in 2013,...

  • Digital Scholarship Profile: Temple University

    Digital Scholarship Center Established in 2015 https://sites.temple.edu/tudsc/ Staff: 9, including 2 Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) postdoctoral fellows and 4 full-time graduate students When Temple University Libraries’ Digital Scholarship...

  • Integrating Digital Humanities into the Web of Scholarship with SHARE

    The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) has received a $75,000 Digital Humanities Advancement Grant from the National Endownment for the Humanities (NEH) to incorporate more digital humanities metadata into the...
