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ARL Senior Leaders Member Session: Cross-Campus Coordination for Research Data Services

Cross-campus coordination is a critical step for developing comprehensive and effective research data services on academic campuses. As recommended by the ARL/CARL Joint Task Force on Research Data Services: Final Report, coordinating groups are often charged with developing and overseeing implementation of a plan to build or enhance the infrastructure needed for a researcher to successfully comply with providing public access to their research data. This coordination has become even more important given the implementation of the Canadian Tri-Agency Research Data Management Policy and the forthcoming US federal public access policies. While there is still some uncertainty around the specifics of these policies, the 2022 US Office of Science and Technology (OSTP) Nelson memo requirements will allow some planning to take place prior to the full policies being published.

This member session will be structured with presentations and discussions among senior leaders of ARL libraries on their current or proposed coordinating committees, focusing on committee composition, leadership, scope, planned activities/timelines, and work to date. Senior leaders in ARL institutions are invited to register and attend this session on Friday, June 16, at 1:00–2:00 p.m. EDT. At the conclusion of this discussion, members may suggest other ways to continue the discussion (via a more formal process).

Session Details

Session Title: ARL Senior Leaders Member Session: Cross-Campus Coordination for Research Data Services

Date and time: Friday, June 16, 1:00–2:00 p.m. EDT


  • Nicole Kong, Associate Dean for Research, Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies
  • Jill Sexton, Associate Director for Digital & Organizational Strategy, NC State University Libraries
  • Caroline Hyslop, Associate University Librarian, Research Services, University of Ottawa Library

Audience: Senior leaders in ARL libraries

Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMude2trzwvGNagoa3JpUqsTnlUkPc4B1lk#/registration
