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ARL Awarded Grant to Implement Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Institute

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The US Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) has awarded the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) a $249,531 Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program grant to implement the ARL Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Institute. These funds will support the translation of the results of a previous IMLS award to ARL for the planning of the institute. The DEI Institute is one of the new ARL Institutes, which also include the President’s Institute and the Executive Institute.

“Through the development and delivery of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Institute, this IMLS grant will enable the ARL community to mobilize concepts jointly developed with the American Library Association and described in Cultural Proficiencies for Racial Equity: A Framework,” said Greg Eow, chair of the ARL Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee and president of the Center for Research Libraries. “This is an exciting opportunity to offer applied learning, to develop resources, and to build community in support of goals to create more equitable and inclusive experiences for our communities.”

The DEI Institute aims to increase the capacity of participants to effect positive change with and within their respective communities through the acquisition and application of specific knowledge, awareness, and skills related to DEI, organizational development, and leadership. As a standalone program aimed at sustainable transformation, the ARL DEI Institute is intended to provide a scalable, modular structure that increases access to resources for sustaining diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplaces and supports professionals’ efforts to chart the efficacy of DEI capacity building within individual institutions. These efforts are designed to fill the gap created by a reliance on ad hoc tools and interventions currently employed by many libraries and other cultural heritage and memory institutions to address DEI-related concerns.

Upon completion of this project, ARL will have successfully hosted two iterations of the ARL DEI Institute, each with a diverse cohort of participants who are poised to lead and contribute to changes in their respective institutions. Through the application of learning and resources gained from the institute, the participants will be able to advocate for, implement, assess, and iterate upon strategic shifts in institutional policies, procedures, and practices to create more diverse, equitable, and inclusive environments and experiences for employees and the communities they serve. Through the use of a cohort model, institute participants will have access to a network of support beyond their individual institutions, enabling continued connections, engagement, and learning.


About the Association of Research Libraries

The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) is a nonprofit organization of research libraries in Canada and the US whose vision is to create a trusted, equitable, and inclusive research and learning ecosystem and prepare library leaders to advance this work in strategic partnership with member libraries and other organizations worldwide. ARL’s mission is to empower and advocate for research libraries and archives to shape, influence, and implement institutional, national, and international policy. ARL develops the next generation of leaders and enables strategic cooperation among partner institutions to benefit scholarship and society. ARL is on the web at ARL.org.

About the Institute of Museum and Library Services

IMLS logoThe Institute of Museum and Library Services is the primary source of federal support for the nation’s libraries and museums. We advance, support, and empower America’s museums, libraries, and related organizations through grantmaking, research, and policy development. IMLS envisions a nation where individuals and communities have access to museums and libraries to learn from and be inspired by the trusted information, ideas, and stories they contain about our diverse natural and cultural heritage. To learn more, visit www.imls.gov and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

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