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ARL President’s Institute Program Planning Task Force: Call for Expressions of Interest by Friday, April 14

The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) invites expressions of interest to serve on the inaugural 2024 President’s Institute Program Planning Task Force. Members of this task force are asked to serve a nine-month term with a target start in April 2023 and concluding after the event in early 2024.

President’s Institute

The President’s Institute is the new iteration of the event previously known as the Fall Forum. Set to rotate among the geographic regions of the Association, the President’s Institute seeks to provide opportunities for participation by member institutions and others in our field each year during the start of the ARL presidency. As part of a new series of institutes exclusively for member representatives or for senior leaders within ARL member institutions, this interactive institute convenes a broad community of individuals, general executives, senior leaders, and subject-matter experts on top-of-mind issues facing research libraries. As part of the President’s Institute, the Julia C. Blixrud Scholarship recipient is selected, attends, and writes a formal report to be published by ARL.

The 2024 President’s Institute will be a one-day experience held in-person on the West Coast, tentatively scheduled for February 6, 7, or 8. The theme is sustainability. The intended audience is ARL member representatives, other library professionals, and others in the academy who may have a focus on sustainability.

Task Force

The 2024 President’s Institute Program Planning Task Force chair is Trevor A. Dawes (Delaware), ARL vice president/president-elect. Dawes said:

We know that we need to have sustainable practices in everything we do—at work, at home, and in life in general. ARL has adopted sustainability as one of its values and we now have an opportunity to focus on what it means for us at ARL and within our respective institutions. Using the UN SDGs (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals) as a backdrop, we will focus on three goals that have direct implications for the research library community. At the institute we will aim to hear from experts in these areas and facilitate a discussion about actions we can take to advance these sustainability goals for ARL and our libraries/institutions.

The Association welcomes task force applicants from across institution types and social identities, particularly those individuals who possess content expertise in sustainability and hold leadership responsibilities in ARL member institutions.

The commitment for task force members is estimated to be two to five hours per month, which includes:

  • Task force orientation (virtual)
  • Monthly task force working meetings (virtual)
  • Pre- and post-meeting work and closure (asynchronous)
  • Institute attendance is encouraged

There are no financial costs associated with task force membership for the individual or their institution beyond the time commitment.

Please review the President’s Institute Program Planning Task Force Charge.

If you are interested in serving on this task force, please complete this expression of interest form, including a reflection on how you would apply ARL’s values. Provide this information, as well as other pertinent information, by Friday, April 14, 2023.

Please send any questions related to this task force to Jaymey Butler, director of Events, at jbutler@arl.org.
