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Day in Review (September 19–22)

Last Updated on September 22, 2022, 3:07 pm ET

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Jump to: Tuesday, September 20 | Wednesday, September 21 | Thursday, september22

Monday, September 19

Top o’ the Review

A Practical Guide to FAIR Practices in Research Libraries
(LIBER: Association of European Research Libraries)

Admissions Survey in a World of Change
(Inside Higher Ed)

Banned in the USA: The Growing Movement to Censor Books in Schools
(PEN America)
See also: American Library Association Releases Preliminary Data on 2022 Book Bans

Readout of the Ninth National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Task Force Meeting
(The White House)

Registration Now Open: 2022 HathiTrust Member Meeting


ARL Member Libraries

Celebrating 10 Years of Congress.gov
(Library of Congress)

David Seaman Balances Syracuse University Libraries and Second Stint as iSchool Dean
(Daily Orange)

East Asian Library–Developed “Parallelogram” Available Worldwide
(Princeton University Library)

Textile Exhibit Opens with Workers’ Songs
(Cornell University)
Also in this exhibit series: Exhibit Calls for Textile Art—Submission Deadline September 30

UC San Diego Finishes Head-Turning Remodel of Geisel Library’s Main Lobby
(San Diego Union-Tribune)


Higher Ed—Other

Endless Frontier Symposium 2022: Research and Higher Education Institutions for the Next 75 Years—In Person and Online, Thursday, September 22
(National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine)

US Department of State Offers Opportunities for American and International Students and Scholars at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)
(US Department of State)


Advocacy & Public Policy

How Colleges Can (and Can’t) Support 2022 Campaign Activities on Campus and Help Students Vote
(ACE: American Council on Education)

OMB Launches New Public Listening Sessions on Federal Race and Ethnicity Standards Revision
(OMB: Office of Management and Budget, The White House)


Scholars & Scholarship

Grants and Hiring: Will Impact Factors and HIndices Be Scrapped?

Subscribe-to-Open Community of Practice Statement on the OSTP “Nelson Memo”

2022 Board Election


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst

Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Tuesday, September 20

Top o’ the Review

Carnegie Classifications Announces Teams of Experts to Advance Innovative New Models
(ACE: American Council on Higher Education)

Introducing Project TARA Tools to Support Responsible Research Assessment by Debiasing Committee Composition, Recognizing Many Facets of “Impact”—Community Call October 25
(DORA: Declaration on Research Assessment)

Meet Matt Krause, the Man Who Critics Say Helped Make Texas a National Leader in Book Bans
(Business Insider)

NHMRC’s Revised Open Access Policy Released—First Australian Funding Agency to Require Open Access to Research It Funds
(NHMRC: National Health and Medical Research Council)
See also: NHMRC of Australia Joins cOAlition S

White House Federal Research Policy Expands Accessibility in Higher Education, Experts Say
(GW Hatchet)


ARL Member Libraries

Contemporary Music Score Collection Is Global Hit
(UCLA Library)

Grammy Museum Foundation Grant Awarded for Bernard Herrmann’s CBS Broadcast Recordings
(UC Santa Barbara Library)

Video: Virtual Tour of NARA’s Heritage Science Research Lab
(NARA: US National Archives and Records Administration)


Higher Ed

Gen Z Optimistic about Their Futures, New ACT Research Shows

Tracking Transfer: Measures of Effectiveness in Helping Community College Students to Complete Bachelor’s Degrees (2022)
(National Student Clearinghouse Research Center)


Advocacy & Public Policy

CISA Cyber-Incident Reporting Rulemaking Is on the Horizon


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

How AI Could Help Writers Spot Stereotypes
(University of Maryland)


Scholars & Scholarship

Podcast: Layers of Trust: Creating Data Provenance Standards to Combat Misinformation and Human Rights Crises
(Commonplace, Knowledge Futures Group)

Towards a Connected and Dynamic Scholarly Record of Updates, Corrections, and Retractions
(MetaArXiv Preprints)


In Other News

For Gen Z, TikTok Is the New Search Engine
(New York Times)
See also: TikTok Search Results Riddled with Misinformation

Social Media and News Fact Sheet
(Pew Research Center)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst

Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Wednesday, September 21

Top o’ the Review

Federal Science and Engineering Support to Higher Education Increased 3% in FY 2020
(NCSES: US National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, National Science Foundation)

Improved Data Sharing Policies Will Boost Public Trust in Research: Ripeta’s State of Trust & Integrity in Research Report Available
(Digital Science)

Resources for Cultivating a Sense of Belonging on Campus
(APLU: Association of Public and Land-grant Universities)

Revised Peer-Review Handbook Debuts
(AUPresses: Association of University Presses)

Supplemental Information to NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing:

(NIH: US National Institutes of Health)


ARL Member Libraries

Entre nous with Guylaine Beaudry
(McGill Reporter)

From Siloed to Reusable: The Opening of Digital Collections at Johns Hopkins University
(International Journal of Digital Curation)

Library of Congress Launches Effort to Transform Collections Management and Access
(Library of Congress)

New Acquisition: Confessionale, 1462
(University of Oregon Special Collections & University Archives)

Recognizing the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
(University of Alberta Library)

Traveling a Bridge2AI in a Quest for High-Quality, FAIR Data Sets
(NLM: US National Library of Medicine)


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Common App Report Shows Increasing Applicant Diversity
(Diverse: Issues in Higher Education)


Scholars & Scholarship

Auditing Google’s Search Headlines as a Potential Gateway to Misleading Content: Evidence from the 2020 US Election
(Journal of Online Trust and Safety)

B!SON: A Tool for Open Access Journal Recommendation
(TPDL: International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries)

Journals Preserved or How to Turn Diamond into JASPER
(Insights: The UKSG Journal)

Scholars’ Views on Open Peer Review—Presenting Survey Results


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst

Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Thursday, September 22

Top o’ the Review

ARL Joins Public Knowledge, Others in Warning Congress against Adopting Controversial Journalism Competition and Preservation Act
(Public Knowledge)

Better Serving Library Patrons behind Bars: New Project to Expand Public, State, Law, Prison, and Academic Library Collaboration
(Ithaka S+R)

Building an Anti-racist Institution
(Diverse: Issues in Higher Education)

DPLA Releases Free “January 6th on the Record” E-book
(DPLA: Digital Public Library of America)

Special Issue: Reflections on IFLA Statement on Libraries and Intellectual Freedom
(IFLA Journal)

2022 Winners of CARL’s Research in Librarianship Grant
(CARL: Canadian Association of Research Libraries)


ARL Member Libraries

Hip-Hop Community Engagement Project, Autism Center Win National Awards
(Virginia Tech)

Students Make Remarkable Finds in UCLA’s “Encountering Arabic Manuscripts” Course

Talk to Describe Conserving Centuries-Old Chinese Encyclopedia—September 27 In Person and Online
(Cornell University Library)

Video: Restricted Access: An American History of Book Banning
(NYPL: New York Public Library and PEN America)



Doing More with a DM: A Survey on Library Social Media Engagement
(EBLIP: Evidence Based Library and Information Practice)

Irish Libraries Condemn Sudden Withdrawal of 1,300 E-books from Colleges
(Irish Examiner)

Save the Date! September 27 Free Panel Discussion “Accessibility 101 for Publishers”
(C4DISC: Coalition for Diversity & Inclusion in Scholarly Communications)


Higher Ed—Members

NIST Awards Funding to Five Universities to Advance Standards Education
(NIST: US National Institute of Standards and Technology)


Higher Ed—Other

This College Recruitment Tool Could Be Reinforcing Bias, Study Says
(Washington Post)


Advocacy & Public Policy

Catching Up with Canada’s Chief Science Adviser
(University Affairs)


Scholars & Scholarship

Mis- and Disinformation Studies Are Too Big to Fail: Six Suggestions for the Field’s Future
(Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Misinformation Review)


In Other News

OpenAI Releases Open-Source “Whisper” Transcription and Translation AI


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst
