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Day in Review (August 29–September 1)

Last Updated on September 1, 2022, 4:01 pm ET

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Jump to: Tuesday, August 30 | Wednesday, August 31 | Thursday, September 1

Monday, August 29

Top o’ the Review

Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access to Federally Funded Research (OSTP: US Office of Science and Technology Policy) has prompted several responses, linked below along with a few related documents.

Related documents



ARL Member Libraries

Cell Press and The Lancet Titles Now Included in UC-Elsevier Open-Access Publishing Agreement
(Office of Scholarly Communication, University of California)

David Banush Named Dean of University Libraries
(University of South Carolina)

Remembering Deanna Marcum
(Ithaka S+R)

Research Library Services on the Bibliometrics and Research Impact (BRI) Continuum: The University of Waterloo Story
(Hanging Together, OCLC Research)

White House, NARA Consider Next Steps as Electronic Records Deadline Looms
(Federal News Network)



Martin Paul Eve Is Joining Our R&D Group as a Principal Developer

Navigating Copyright for Libraries
(IFLA Publications)


Higher Ed—Members

Suzanne Fortier on Leadership and Learning at McGill
(University Affairs)


Higher Ed—Other

What Skills Are Most Important for Student Success?


Advocacy & Public Policy

Biden-Harris Administration Awards $18.9 Million “Internet for All” Grant to Expand High-Speed Internet Access on Tribal Lands
(NTIA: US National Telecommunications and Information Administration)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst

Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Tuesday, August 30

Top o’ the Review

AI in Academic Libraries, Part 2: Interesting Projects, the Future of Chatbots and Discrimination through AI
(ZBW MediaTalk)

CC Partners with SPARC and EIFL to Launch a Four-Year Open Climate Campaign
(CC: Creative Commons)

Charting Variety, Scope, and Impact of Open Access Diamond Journals in Various Disciplines and Regions: A Survey-Based Observational Study
(Science Editing)

Leading Library Services Firm Baker & Taylor Hit by Ransomware
(Bleeping Computer)

What They Are Saying: White House Federally Funded Research Guidance Hailed as a Win for Innovation and Equity
(The White House)

Wiley Survey: Society Members on Diversity, Sustainability
(Publishing Perspectives)


ARL Member Libraries

A Message from the Provost: Restoration of Library Budget Cuts
(The University of North Carolina)
See also: A Message from Interim University Librarian María R. Estorino about the Library Budget
(UNC University Libraries)

Acting AOTUS Appoints 2022–2024 FOIA Advisory Committee Members
(NARA: US National Archives and Records Administration)

LLILAS Benson Receives $2.1 Million Department of Education Grants
(University of Texas Libraries)

National Archives Head Encourages Employees to Continue Their “Fiercely Non-political Work”
(CBS News)

Unique Artist’s Book by FSU Professor Acquired by MIT, Vanderbilt Libraries
(Department of Art, Florida State University)


Higher Ed—Members

University of the Future: Finding the Next World Leaders in Higher Ed
(Working Knowledge, Harvard Business School)


Advocacy & Public Policy

A Possible Move toward Comprehensive Federal Privacy Legislation

FTC Releases Final Agenda for Public Forum on Commercial Surveillance and Lax Data-Security Practices
(FTC: US Federal Trade Commission)


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Why We Must Act Now to Close the Gender Gap in AI
(World Economic Forum)


In Other News

CoAuthor: Stanford Experiments with Human-AI Collaborative Writing


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst

Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Wednesday, August 31

Top o’ the Review

More Reactions to Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access to Federally Funded Research (OSTP: US Office of Science and Technology Policy)


ARL Member Libraries

How the Black Metropolis Research Consortium Is Transforming the Field of African American History
(The University of Chicago)

Libraries among NC State’s Web Accessibility Champions
(NC State University Libraries)

LibraryPress@UF Announces Publication of the Undergraduate Guide to the George A. Smathers Libraries
(University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries)

UC Library Search Wins Sautter Award for IT Innovation
(UC Davis)

UMD Libraries Updates Copyright Guidance for Campus
(University of Maryland Libraries)



AI in Academic Libraries, Part 3: Prerequisites and Conditions for Successful Use
(ZBW MediaTalk)


Higher Ed—Members

A Partnership with U of Ottawa’s Med School Aims to Train More Inuit Doctors
(UA: University Affairs)


Higher Ed—Other

Borrowing during a Time of Crisis: Examining Institutional Debt during the Great Recession and COVID-19
(Ithaka S+R)


Scholars & Scholarship

Analysis of Sex and Gender Reporting Policies in Preeminent Biomedical Journals
(JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association)

Young African Leaders Embrace Digital Storytelling
(Dartmouth College)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst

Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Thursday, September 1

Top o’ the Review

An Update on Research Security: Streamlining Disclosure Standards to Enhance Clarity, Transparency, and Equity
(OSTP: US Office of Science and Technology Policy, The White House)

Now Available: The 2021 NDSA Staffing Survey Report
(DLF: Digital Library Federation)

Planning for a Stronger, More Transparent IFLA: Governing Board Plan Announced
(IFLA: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions)

RLUK Report: Academic Use and Perceptions of Virtual Reading Rooms and Virtual Teaching Spaces
(RLUK: Research Libraries UK)

Study: Differences in Tenure Status and Feelings of Fairness in Hiring and Promotions among Male and Female Faculty in Canadian Universities
(Statistics Canada)

UCCS and Kraemer Family Library Appoint First “Storytelling Professor”
(University of Colorado Colorado Springs)


ARL Member Libraries

Archives Secures Two 17th-Century Galileo Books
(Georgia Tech Library)

40 Years of Historic Philadelphia Photography Gifted to Temple Libraries
(Temple University)

Harvard Library Applauds New White House Policy Guidelines Expanding Research Access
(Harvard Library)

The Librarian Is In: A Conversation with Joseph Salem, Duke’s New University Librarian
(Duke University Libraries)

UCLA Film & Television Archive Helps Keep Full Picture of LA’s Chicano History Alive



Now Published: Public Health Crisis Management Playbook for Archives, Libraries, and Museums
(REALM: REopening Archives, Libraries, and Museums)

PLOS Cheers the OSTP Memorandum “Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access to Federally Funded Research”
(PLOS: Public Library of Science)


Higher Ed—Members

Northwestern University Brings College to an Illinois Women’s Prison
(WBEZ Chicago, NPR Affiliate)


Higher Ed—Other

Does Higher Education Teach Students to Think Critically?
(OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Gender Equality in Research: Papers and Projects by Highly Cited Researchers


Scholars & Scholarship

FullText Search in OpenAlex

Signed Citations: Making Persistent and Verifiable Citations of Digital Scientific Content


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst
