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Day in Review (February 8–12, 2021)

Last Updated on July 9, 2022, 10:02 am ET

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Jump to: Tuesday, February 9Wednesday, February 10 | Thursday, February 11 | Friday, February 12

Monday, February 8

Top o’ the Review

APLU Joins Other Higher Ed Groups in Project to Foster Equity in Transfer
(Association of Public and Land-grant Universities)

Biden Orders Review of Federal Scientific Integrity Policies
(American Institute of Physics)

Doing It Right: A Better Approach for Software & Data
(Dryad News and Views)

Library Accessibility Alliance Adds New Partners: GWLA and WRLC to Bolster Accessibility Awareness, Assessment, Outreach
(Big Ten Academic Alliance)

Privacy Literacy Instruction Practices in Academic Libraries: Past, Present, and Possibilities
Note: article begins on page 3 of PDF
(IFLA Journal)


ARL Member Libraries

Digital Media Lab Offers Virtual Tours of UMass Amherst Libraries
(University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries)

How Arizona State University Libraries Have Pivoted Operations during COVID-19
(The State Press)

Mark Asberg, CEO of Calgary Public Library, Appointed Vice-Provost and University Librarian for Queen’s University
(Queen’s University)

Medical Librarian Richard James Confronts Public Health Challenges in the Midst of COVID-19
(University of Pennsylvania Libraries)

York University Showcases Central Role Libraries Are Playing during COVID-19



Knowledge Unlatched Announces Results of 2020 Pledging, Plans to Unlatch Hundreds of Titles in 2021
(Knowledge Unlatched)


Higher Ed—Members

Why Internet Access Is a Human Right—and What We Can Do about It
(University of Virginia)


Advocacy & Public Policy

AAUP Joins Coalition to Call for Student Debt Cancelation
(American Association of University Professors)

Public Knowledge Petitions Federal Communications Commission to Begin Reconsidering Trump-Era Broadband Deregulation
(Public Knowledge)

US Drops Challenge to California State Net Neutrality Law


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst


Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Tuesday, February 9

Top o’ the Review

A Priceless Archive of Ordinary Life: Black History Archives at Risk
(The Atlantic)

Webinar: Mythbusting Controlled Digital Lending
(Internet Archive and Library Futures)

Constructing a Campus-wide Infrastructure for Virtual Reality
(College & Undergraduate Libraries)

Court Scraps Rule Restricting EPA’s Use of Science
(American Institute of Physics)

CLOCKSS Announces the Participation of Seven Additional Publishers

Shared Partisanship Dramatically Increases Social Tie Formation in a Twitter Field Experiment
(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)

Video: Conversations Between the German National Library and Library and Archives Canada: Exploring Digitization Practices and Priorities
(Library and Archives Canada)


ARL Member Libraries

Association for Computing Machinery and Purdue University Sign New ACM OPEN License
(Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies)

Library Website Explores School’s Historical Connections to Slavery
(University of Virginia School of Law)

Libraries Diversify Collections to Fulfill Anti-racist Vision
(University of Louisville Libraries)

Special Collections Acquires Second Medieval Manuscript
(LSU Libraries)

Technical Report Archive & Image Library (TRAIL) Celebrates 15 Years
(Center for Research Libraries)

Virginia Tech Publishing Partners with International Association to Publish Engineering Open Textbook
(Virginia Tech)

Video: How Early Printed Books Were Personalized
(USC Libraries)


Higher Ed—Members

Duke University Press Now Offering Journal Publishing Services to Nonprofit Scholarly Publishers
(Duke University Press)

Reducing Inequality across the Globe and on Campus
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)


Higher Ed—Other

Yearly Success and Progress Rates
(National Student Clearinghouse Research Center)


Advocacy & Public Policy

AHA Posts to Federal Register regarding Proposed NARA Digitization Policies
(American Historical Association)

Letter to Secretary Mayorkas regarding Recommendations on Domestic and International Students
(Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst


Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Wednesday, February 10

Top o’ the Review

KU Select Launches New Pledging Round for Publishers
(Knowledge Unlatched)

New State Privacy Initiatives Turn Up Heat on Congress
(The Hill)

Study: After COVID-19 Hit, Federal Financial Aid Applications Dropped Sharply among Potential First-Year Students
(American Educational Research Association)

Transparency to Hybrid Open Access through Publisher-Provided Metadata: An Article-Level Study of Elsevier

What We Talk about When We Talk about Information Literacy
(IFLA Journal)


ARL Member Libraries

Bass Library Closed through February Due to Flood Damage
(Yale University Library)

MIT Libraries Develop Innovative Open Access Agreements with PLOS
(MIT Libraries)

Progress towards a Modernized ClinicalTrials.gov
(NLM Musings from the Mezzanine, US National Library of Medicine)

University of Florida Named to Receive Funding for Native American Oral History Collections
(George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida)

University of Notre Dame Joins OCLC Research Library Partnership
(OCLC Research)


Higher Ed—Members

Coursera Partners with Howard University, Expands Social Justice Content, and Collaborates with Facebook to Offer Scholarships to Black Learners
(Coursera Blog)

NEH Grants Cornell $750K to Develop “Freedom” Database
(Cornell University)

Online Searches Can Help Foreshadow Future COVID-19 Surges and Declines, New Study Shows
(New York University)

University of Alabama Professor Receives Prestigious Grant to Create Digital Dance Archive
(The University of Alabama)


Advocacy & Public Policy

A New Deal for Higher Ed
(American Association of University Professors)

US Rep. Frederica Wilson Elected Chair of Higher Education and Workforce Investment Subcommittee
(Diverse: Issues in Higher Education)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst


Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Thursday, February 11

Top o’ the Review

CAUT Calls for Review of Security Agency Activities on Campus
(Canadian Association of University Teachers)

Large-Scale Comparison of Bibliographic Data Sources: Scopus, Web of Science, Dimensions, Crossref, and Microsoft Academic
(Quantitative Science Studies)

REALM Project Releases Results from Tests of Virus on Materials at Different Temperatures

The Broken Promise That Undermines Human Genome Research

Upcoming CORE e-Forum: COVID-19 and Libraries, One Year Later
(American Library Association)


ARL Member Libraries

Collections as Data
(UC San Diego Library)

Johns Hopkins Libraries Join PLOS Community Action Publishing to Promote Open Access Publishing to Our Authors
(Sheridan Libraries and University Museums, Johns Hopkins University)

Private Library Containing Rare Books by Important Authors, Artists Donated to Library of Congress with Endowment for Programs
(US Library of Congress)

“The Heart” of the University Is Still Beating, Albeit a Little Differently
(Yale Daily News)

University of Illinois Authors to Benefit from New Read and Publish Agreements with Cambridge University Press and PLOS
(Illinois University Library)

University of Utah Police Investigating Reports of Telephone Harassment at Campus Libraries
(Fox 13 Salt Lake City)



Elsevier’s Journals’ Now Displaying Editors’ Gender in Support of Diversity

Ottawa Public Library–Library and Archives Canada Joint Facility: A Landmark Cultural Infrastructure Project Pointing the Way to a Greener Future
(Library and Archives Canada)


Higher Ed

Building a University to Deliver Work-Ready Engineers


Advocacy & Public Policy

Statement for the Record for Hearing on the US Immigration System and the Need for Bold Reforms
(Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration)


Scholars & Scholarship

Children’s Literature Scholar Examines How “Production Stories” Minimized Slave Labor
(University of Illinois)

Representation Matters: Exploring the Role of Gender and Race on Educational Outcomes
(Institute of Education Sciences)


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst


Sign up to receive the Day in Review by email.

Friday, February 12

Top o’ the Review

Accountability and Reconciliation: Higher Ed’s Fraught History of Slavery
(Ithaka S+R Blog)

Every Nook and Cranny: Making the Library Central to Research and Engagement
(Insights: The UKSG Journal)

Higher Education Institutions and Science Networks: Unique International Platforms for Accelerated Response to Global Shocks
(Science & Diplomacy)

How Online Misinformation Spreads
(Knowable Magazine)

In the Wake of Social Protests, Colleges and Universities Hire Chief Diversity Officers
(Diverse: Issues in Higher Education)


ARL Member Libraries

Developing an IDEA
(University of Minnesota Libraries)

Elsevier Negotiations
(University of Houston Libraries)

Libraries Eliminate Daily Fines for Most Items
(University of Texas Libraries)

The Enduring Copyright Legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
(US Library of Congress)

University Libraries’ Mavrinac Era Coming to a Close
(University of Rochester)

University Libraries New Website Preview
(Washington University Libraries)


Advocacy & Public Policy

Advancing Talent and Workforce Development through University-State-City Partnerships: Webinar Summary
(Association of Public and Land-grant Universities)

Statement on Efforts to Restrict the Teaching of History
(American Association of University Professors)


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Mobilizing Libraries for Cultural Diversity: Next Steps Informed by the UNESCO 2005 Convention
(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions)


Scholars & Scholarship

Conjoint Analysis of Researchers’ Hidden Preferences for Bibliometrics, Altmetrics, and Usage Metrics
(JASIST: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology)


In Other News

The New Future of Work


Curated by Gary D. Price, MLIS
Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET
Information Industry Analyst

