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Registration Now Open for 2021 Library Assessment Conference February 18 Virtual Session on Services

illustration of a laptop computer open with a video conference of 12 people on screen
image CC0 by Alexandra_Koch

Register online for the fifth session of the virtual 2020–21 Library Assessment Conference, a February 18, 2021, half-day webinar on Services.

The 2020–21 Library Assessment Conference is being offered as free monthly webinars through March. Each attendee must register separately for each monthly session (see list of dates below). One week before each session, each attendee will receive a unique link to connect to the webinar. Subsequent reminders (including the connection link) will be sent one day before the session and one hour before the session.

For more information on the February 18 session on Services, please visit the conference program page.

Want to see the session but can’t make it live? We’re planning to record each session and post the videos to the schedule page. No registration is required to access the videos.

Upcoming Webinar Dates

Register by February 15 for the February 18 session. Registration for the March session will open on February 16.

Thursday, February 18, 2021: Services

Wednesday, March 17, 2021: Teaching & Learning and Value

Please see the Library Assessment Conference program for more information on times and presentations.

Stay in touch with the conference and community via the ARL-Assess Google Group and by using #LAC20 on Twitter.


About the Library Assessment Conference

The Association of Research Libraries and the University of Washington Libraries co-host the Library Assessment Conference: Building Effective, Sustainable, Practical Assessment. The conference goal is to build and further a vibrant library assessment community by bringing together interested practitioners and researchers who have responsibility or interest in the broad field of library assessment. The conference provides a mix of invited speakers, contributed papers and posters, and workshops that stimulate discussion and provide workable ideas for effective, practical, and sustainable library assessment. This biennial conference builds on the success of the first seven conferences held in Charlottesville, Virginia (2006, 2012); Seattle, Washington (2008, 2014); Baltimore, Maryland (2010); Arlington, Virginia (2016); and Houston, Texas (2018).

