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View Library Assessment Conference 2020 Posters Online

collage of posters from 2020 Library Assessment ConferenceThe 2020 Library Assessment Conference steering committee is pleased to highlight the wonderful posters accepted for the conference on the 2020 Posters page of the website. Several poster authors have submitted handouts and videos, in addition to their virtual poster files. We encourage the assessment community to contact authors with questions or comments and engage with them on Twitter using the hashtag #LAC20.

Posters cover several aspects of library assessment and are organized by the following themes:

  • Collections and Resources
  • Facilities and Spaces
  • Methods and Data
  • Organizational Issues
  • Outreach and Services
  • Teaching, Learning, and Student Success

More information on the virtual conference sessions is available on the Program web page.


About the Library Assessment Conference

The Association of Research Libraries and the University of Washington Libraries co-host the Library Assessment Conference: Building Effective, Sustainable, Practical Assessment. The conference goal is to build and further a vibrant library assessment community by bringing together interested practitioners and researchers who have responsibility or interest in the broad field of library assessment. The conference provides a mix of invited speakers, contributed papers and posters, and workshops that stimulate discussion and provide workable ideas for effective, practical, and sustainable library assessment. This biennial conference builds on the success of the first seven conferences held in Charlottesville, Virginia (2006, 2012); Seattle, Washington (2008, 2014); Baltimore, Maryland (2010); Arlington, Virginia (2016); and Houston, Texas (2018).

