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ARL/SAA Mosaic Program 2019–2021 Fellows Selected

bundle of old photos wrapped in paper
image CC0 by Joanna Kosinska

The Association of Research Libraries (ARL)/Society of American Archivists (SAA) Mosaic Program Selection Committee has accepted four master of library and information science (MLIS) students from historically underrepresented racial and ethnic groups into the competitive diversity fellowship program. The ARL/SAA Mosaic Program, funded by a generous grant from the US Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and by ARL members, promotes much-needed diversification of the archives and special collections professional workforce.

Each 2019–2021 Mosaic Program Fellow will participate in a one-year, paid internship with the archives and/or special collections at an ARL member institution. This cohort will begin their fellowships in fall 2019 and will participate in the 16th Annual ARL Leadership Symposium in January 2020 in Philadelphia, PA. The fellows will also attend the 2020 ARL/SAA Mosaic Leadership Forum, to be held at the SAA Annual Meeting in August 2020 in Chicago, IL.

“As the Mosaic program continues it becomes even harder to choose among such a large pool of talented, thoughtful, hard-working individuals,” said Stacie Williams, ARL/SAA Mosaic Program Selection Committee member. “All of the applicants will doubtless be a positive force in the archives profession, and we are especially excited about the possibilities for this year’s cohort, whose perspectives and life experiences will help diversify the profession and our collections and processes in myriad ways.”

The 2019–2021 ARL/SAA Mosaic Program Fellows are listed below:

  • Sadaf Ahmadbeigi, University of British Columbia
    Internship host: University of British Columbia Library
  • Nicholas Caldwell, Long Island University
    Internship host: New York University
  • Irmarie Fraticelli-Rodríguez, University of Michigan
    Internship host: University of Michigan Library
  • Tamara Rayan, University of Toronto
    Internship host: York University Libraries
  • Kelli Yakabu, University of Washington
    Internship host: University of Washington Libraries

In addition to the internship and professional development events, fellows in the ARL/SAA Mosaic Program receive tuition support, mentoring, leadership development, career placement assistance, and complimentary student membership in SAA.

About the Association of Research Libraries

The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) is a nonprofit organization of 124 research libraries in Canada and the US whose mission is to advance research, learning, and scholarly communication. The Association fosters the open exchange of ideas and expertise, promotes equity and diversity, and pursues advocacy and public policy efforts that reflect the values of the library, scholarly, and higher education communities. ARL forges partnerships and catalyzes the collective efforts of research libraries to enable knowledge creation and to achieve enduring and barrier-free access to information. ARL is on the web at ARL.org.

About the Society of American Archivists

SAA logoFounded in 1936, the Society of American Archivists (SAA) is North America’s oldest and largest national archival professional association. It is the preeminent source of professional resources and the principal communication hub for American archivists. Through its activities and advocacy efforts, SAA promotes the value and diversity of archives and archivists and enables archivists to achieve professional excellence and foster innovation to ensure the identification, preservation, and use of records of enduring value. SAA is on the web at www.archivists.org.

About the Institute of Museum and Library Services

IMLS logoThe Institute of Museum and Library Services is the primary source of federal support for the nation’s libraries and museums. We advance, support, and empower America’s museums, libraries, and related organizations through grantmaking, research, and policy development. Our vision is a nation where museums and libraries work together to transform the lives of individuals and communities. To learn more, visit www.imls.gov and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
